Enable features ahead of time


This content is archived and is not being updated. For the latest documentation, see Microsoft Dynamics 365 product documentation. For the latest release plans, see Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Power Platform release plans.

Enabled for Public preview General availability
Admins, makers, or analysts, automatically - This feature is released. Apr 1, 2020

Business value

Minimizing business disruption because of changes in the service is of utmost importance to Microsoft.

Business Central customers receive monthly updates, including a major update every six months. Updates include fixes, design enhancements, and new features that occasionally change the user experience. By empowering administrators to manage change, customers can get ready with confidence and drive the digital transformation of the business on their own terms.

Feature details

Administrators can use the new Feature Management page to:

  • Learn which new features and feature enhancements can be enabled ahead of time in minor updates.
  • Turn individual features on and off again for all users of any environment.
  • Safely try out a feature in a new browser tab without enabling the feature for all users.
  • Plan an approach to testing and preparation in time for upcoming change. For example, they can test on a sandbox environment with a copy of production data before they enable a feature in production.

Feature Management page with example features that are enabled or disabled

There are no features that you can enable ahead of time in Update 16.0 (April 2020). Features will begin to appear in the list starting from Update 16.1.

About the features listed in the Feature Management page:

  • Only a subset of features releasing in minor updates are available in the page.
  • Features are primarily platform changes that affect the user experience.
  • Features are optional for a while, after which they're permanently enabled in a future service update.

Tell us what you think

Help us improve Dynamics 365 Business Central by discussing ideas, providing suggestions, and giving feedback. Use the forum at https://aka.ms/bcideas.

See also

Enable upcoming features ahead of time (docs)