Banking Documents localization for Czech (extension) (Czechia)


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Enabled for Public preview General availability
Users, automatically Sep 1, 2021 Oct 1, 2021

Business value

This feature provides improved efficiency and reduces the risk of mistakes when users must specify bank account data for a customer or vendor by capturing the bank-specific information and eliminating the need to re-enter it each time.

Feature details

Use the Banking Documents app to create payment orders and bank statements in a format that respects local practices. You can use an unlimited number of bank accounts from various banking institutions and in different currencies. You can import and export bank files to and from the bank-specific software.

The extension provides the following key features:

  • Create, issue, and export a payment order.
  • Create, import, and issue a bank statement.
  • Rollover of bank statements into the payment journal.
  • Pair entries in the payment journal, and post the journal lines.

Bank Account Card.

Bank Statement page.

Payment Order document.

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See also

Banking Documents Localization for Czech (docs)