Enable or disable Item References from Inventory Setup


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Enabled for Public preview General availability
Users by admins, makers, or analysts Sep 1, 2021 Oct 1, 2021

Business value

To help people focus on their work, we're reducing the number of fields and actions that are displayed by hiding the related features until an administrator enables them. This feature introduces that for item references.

Feature details

This is the last step in the journey to replace Item Cross-References with Item References, which started a year ago to address one of the top-voted suggestions Write longer item references. To avoid disruption for users and partners, these two features coexisted and Item References was controlled by a feature switch on the Feature Management page. In this release, Item References will be the only option.

What this means for you

  • If you use cross references, we will convert existing cross references to item references. There is full parity between features and the only change is the name of the controls. Instead of "cross references," you'll see "item references."
  • If you don't use cross references, the related controls are not shown on the Item Card, Vendor Card, and Customer Card pages, and from sales and purchase documents. If you decide to use Item References, your administrator can easily activate the feature by turning on the Use Item References toggle on the Inventory Setup page.

For more information, see Use Item References.

Use Item References field in the Inventory Setup.

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See also

Use Item Cross References (docs)