Unlock time sheets in Business Central using assisted setup and data entry on mobile devices


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Enabled for Public preview General availability
Users by admins, makers, or analysts Sep 1, 2021 Oct 1, 2021

Business value

Getting to that first time sheet entry should be as painless as possible. Many employees use time sheets. As the time sheet administrator or manager, you want to make sure that Business Central has you covered when you create time sheets for the first time, or you add an employee or resource to record the time spent on tasks.

A busy professional on the road using mobile devices (Android or iOS) needs to be able to provide time sheet entries in an easy and productive way while on the go.

Feature details

You can now use the Set Up Time Sheets assisted setup guide to help you set up time sheets and specify the participants in the process. Participants include the time sheet administrator, the employees or resources who register time, and the approvers.

Shows Set Up Time Sheets assisted setup guide.

Self-service activities on role centers, such as the Team Member home page, have now been updated to include the Open Current Time Sheet action that takes the user to the latest time sheet in their Open Time Sheets page.

Shows new Open Current Time Sheet action on Team Member role center self-service activities.

The Time Sheet page is now more focused to allow users to name a particular time sheet as they want, making the caption more prominent and showing key information about the time sheet. The page now clearly indicates units of measure together with totals.

Shows updated Time Sheet page.

The Time Sheet page has been converted from a worksheet to a document page, which makes it available on Business Central mobile devices (Android or IOS).

Mobile users can now add time-related entries to register time spent on tasks. They are no longer blocked by having to switch to a complex user interface on a desktop device. Users now have access to a simplified version of the experience designed for mobile.

Shows Time Sheet page on mobile device (Android).


You need to enable Feature Update: New time sheet experience on the Feature Management page to use this capability.

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See also

Unlock time sheets using an assisted setup guide (video)

Set Up Time Sheets (docs)