

This content is archived and is not being updated. For the latest documentation, go to What's new or changed in Dynamics 365 Finance. For the latest release plans, go to Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Power Platform release plans.


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Globalization Studio enhances the low-code globalization capabilities and makes the globalization services and multicountry content available for any first- and third-party app and extends it with prebuilt ISV connectors. Globalization services in Globalization Studio continue to be extended and enhanced. This includes:

  • Tax Calculation: Enable multiple-document tax calculations in one API call to increase the performance of tax calculation processing for customers with a high volume of invoices in certain industries.
  • Electronic Invoicing: Providing French e-invoice integration with Chorus Pro, configurable mandatory Polish e-invoice and integration with Krajowy System of e-Faktur (KSeF) platform (preview), and integration Saudi Arabia e-invoice with ZATCA’s (Zakat, Tax and Customs Authority) systems.
  • Enhancing Configurable Business Documents and Electronic Reporting offerings.