Include shipping address and shopper email in Adyen authorizations


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Enabled for Public preview General availability
Users, automatically Oct 14, 2022 Nov 7, 2022

Business value

Dynamics 365 Commerce will update the Dynamics 365 Payment Connector for Adyen to include the shipping address and shopper email reference for online checkouts when sending requests to the Adyen payment service. Adyen provides numerous Fraud Protection configurations to help identify potentially fraudulent requests and defend against malicious users. These fields will be made available to Adyen Fraud rule configurations, allowing rules to interact against this data to take protective actions if necessary. This change further increases the security capabilities between Adyen and Dynamics 365 Commerce.

Feature details

This feature will add the new data fields in calls to Adyen when the Dynamics 365 Payment Connector for Adyen is used. Online orders will use the shipping address and shopper email reference in the standard Adyen requests. These fields will then be available for Adyen's Fraud services to run configured security rules against any policies created using these fields. No changes to the checkout module, current checkout experience, or configurations are needed for these updated fields to be included; they will be sent as part of the standard payment requests.