Project budget management


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Enabled for Public preview General availability
Users by admins, makers, or analysts Mar 31, 2023 -

Business value

This feature provides better control over status of spend and work progress and helps project managers forecast trends for the future duration of the project.

Feature details

A project budget is a versioned snapshot of the financial estimation of time, expenses, and materials required on the project. Project managers can create these snapshots at different periods during the project lifecycle based on revisions and re-estimations of project scope and work.

The latest snapshot represents the best-known scope of the project at any given time. All tracking of spend and consumption will be tracked against the latest snapshot. Project Operations adds this key capability to help the project manager get a clear view of how they are tracking to their spend and progress targets. This provides the ability to add forecasts based on current spending trends. Comparison of actual spend to budgeted spend and forecasted spend will help project managers come up with earned value analysis for their project to understand schedule and financial progress.

Project managers can also revise the project budget based on the new scope or changed reality and track the actuals against the revised budget going forward.

In 2022 release wave 2, we will be adding this capability to the Lite deployment type of Dynamics 365 Project Operations. This will give us the infrastructure that needs to be in place for supporting this capability in the subsequent release wave for customers of Dynamics 365 Project Operations for resource/nonstocked deployment.

Screenshot of a project budgeting sample screen that shows budget vs. actuals and variances.

See also

Project budget management overview (docs)