Share rich adaptive cards in the flow of work


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Enabled for Public preview General availability
Users, automatically Aug 2, 2022 Oct 3, 2022

Business value

Viva Sales makes CRM sales entities highly effective in the digital experience sellers use most. With contacts, opportunities, leads, and accounts at their fingertips, sellers can move deals forward, make better decisions, and collaborate with others in Outlook and Teams.

Feature details

  • Using the Viva Sales app in Outlook, you can copy links to CRM entities (accounts, opportunities, and contacts) and paste them into Teams to share with colleagues. Pasted links will unfurl into rich adaptive cards including details the receiver can see in the flow of communication without having to visit the CRM.
  • Viva Sales in Teams includes a messaging extension that enables searching for entities in the connected CRM and sharing in Teams chats and channel messages. When selecting an entity from the messaging extension, it will unfurl into an adaptive card, keeping you and your partners in the flow of work and thereby reducing unnecessary application and context switching. This can boost satisfaction and empower you to share critical sales context to close deals faster.

See also

Copy a link to a customer record (docs)