Easily access setup pages for new apps


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Enabled for Public preview General availability
Users, automatically Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Business value

We provide easy access to an app's setup page from the Extensions Management page so you can use apps faster in Business Central, both large vertical add-ons and smaller productivity apps.

Feature details

In earlier release waves, users told us they couldn't figure out what to do next after they installed an app. They also said they didn't know where to find any setup pages. In this release wave, we add an option to run a setup page directly from the Extensions Management page if the app has specified a setup page. The developer of the app should provide a reference to the setup page in the app manifest, so that Business Central knows which page to run for the specific app.

In practical terms, we add two new features:

  • An ability to get an overview of setup pages brought by an app, if the app registers those in the Guided Experience Item table.
  • A new action on the Extensions Management page that runs the page that the developer specified.

App setups are now easily found in the context menu of the app

Tell us what you think

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See also

Overview of Tasks to Set Up Business Central (docs)