Table "Man. Integration Field Mapping"

ID 5381
Namespace: Microsoft.Integration.SyncEngine


This element will become obsolete from version 24.0. This table is obsolete. Start using the temporary table Man. Integration Field Mapping.


Name Value
DataClassification SystemMetadata
ObsoleteState Pending
ObsoleteReason This table is obsolete. Start using the temporary table Man. Integration Field Mapping.
ObsoleteTag 24.0


Name Type Description
"Mapping Name" Code[20]
"Table ID" Integer
"Table Field ID" Integer
"Integration Table ID" Integer
"Integration Table Field ID" Integer
Direction Option
"Const Value" Text[50]
"Validate Field" Boolean
"Validate Integr Table Field" Boolean
SystemId Guid
SystemCreatedAt DateTime
SystemCreatedBy Guid
SystemModifiedAt DateTime
SystemModifiedBy Guid
SystemRowVersion BigInteger

See also