Obsoletions for 24.0


Type Name Description
Codeunit Microsoft.Foundation.NoSeries.NoSeriesManagement Please use the "No. Series" and "No. Series - Batch" codeunits instead
Method TestManual Please use method TestManual(NoSeriesCode: Code[20]) in codeunit "No. Series" instead.
Method ManualNoAllowed Please use method IsManual(NoSeriesCode: Code[20]) in codeunit "No. Series" instead.
Method TestManualWithDocumentNo Please use method TestManual(NoSeriesCode: Code[20]; DocumentNo: Code[20]) in codeunit "No. Series" instead.
Method RaiseObsoleteOnBeforeInitSeries This method is used for compatibility with extension usages of the old OnBeforeInitSeries event. Now the new No. Series is used. InitSeries no longer exist, instead a No. Series is selected and the next number is retrieved.
Method RaiseObsoleteOnAfterInitSeries This method is used for compatibility with extension usages of the old OnAfterInitSeries event. Now the new No. Series is used. InitSeries no longer exist, instead a No. Series is selected and the next number is retrieved.
Method InitSeries Please use AreRelated in the "No. Series" codeunit instead
Method SetDefaultSeries Please use the "No. Series" codeunit instead
Method SelectSeries Use method LookupRelatedNoSeries in codeunit "No. Series instead.
Method LookupSeries Use method LookupRelatedNoSeries in codeunit "No. Series" instead.
Method TestSeries Use method TestAreRelated in codeunit "No. Series" instead.
Method SetSeries Use method GetNextNo in codeunit "No. Series" instead.
Method FilterSeries This method will be removed. There is no replacement.
Method TryGetNextNo Use PeekNextNo from codeunit "No. Series" instead.
Method SaveNoSeries Use the SaveState method in the No. Series - Batch codeunit instead.
Method SetNoSeriesLineFilter Please use the method GetNoSeriesLine on the "No. Series" and "No. Series - Batch" codeunits instead
Method UpdateNoSeriesLine Please use the method from "No. Series - Setup" instead.
Method CheckSalesDocNoGaps The No. Series module cannot have dependencies to Sales. Please use the method in codeunit "IT - Report Management" instead
Method CheckPurchDocNoGaps The No. Series module cannot have dependencies to Purchases. Please use the method in codeunit "IT - Report Management" instead
Method OnObsoleteCheckSalesDocNoGaps The No. Series module cannot have dependencies to Sales. Please use the method in codeunit "IT - Report Management" instead
Method OnObsoleteCheckPurchDocNoGaps The No. Series module cannot have dependencies to Purchases. Please use the method in codeunit "IT - Report Management" instead
Method OnBeforeCheckPurchDocNoGaps The No. Series module cannot have dependencies to Sales. Please use the event in codeunit "IT - Report Management" instead
Method OnBeforeCheckSalesDocNoGaps The No. Series module cannot have dependencies to Purchases. Please use the event in codeunit "IT - Report Management" instead
Method GetNoSeriesWithCheck Use method LookupRelatedNoSeries in codeunit "No. Series" instead.
Method SeriesHasRelations Use method HasRelatedSeries in codeunit "No. Series" instead.
Method OnAfterGetNextNo3 This event is obsolete. Please use the extensibility options provided by the No. Series module.
Method OnAfterSaveNoSeries This event is no longer used. Please use the No. Series Batch codeunit instead.
Method OnAfterSaveNoSeriesSales The No. Series Line Sales table is obsolete. Please use the No. Series Line table instead.
Method OnAfterSaveNoSeriesPurchase The No. Series Line Purchase table is obsolete. Please use the No. Series Line table instead.
Method OnAfterTestManual This event will be removed. There is no replacement. Please use the extensibility options provided by the No. Series module.
Method OnBeforeGetNextNo This event is obsolete. Please use the extensibility options provided by the No. Series module.
Method OnBeforeDoGetNextNo This event is obsolete. Please use the extensibility options provided by the No. Series module.
Method OnBeforeUpdateNoSeriesLine This event is obsolete. Please use the extensibility options provided by the No. Series module.
Method OnNoSeriesLineFilterOnBeforeFindLast Please use OnAfterSetNoSeriesCurrentLineFilters in the No. Series module instead.
Method OnAfterInitSeries This event will be removed. There is no replacement. Please use the No. Series module instead.
Method OnBeforeFilterSeries This event will be removed. There is no replacement. Please use the No. Series module instead.
Method OnBeforeInitSeries This event will be removed. There is no replacement. Please use the No. Series module instead.
Method OnBeforeSelectSeries This event will be removed. Please use the Page trigger events instead.
Method OnSelectSeriesOnBeforePageRunModal This event will be removed. Please use the Page trigger events instead.
Method OnBeforeSaveNoSeries This event is no longer used. Please use the No. Series Batch codeunit instead.
Method OnBeforeTestManual This event will be removed. There is no replacement. Please use the No. Series module instead.
Method OnBeforeSetDefaultSeries This event will be removed. There is no replacement. Please use the No. Series module instead.
Method OnObsoleteSetNoSeriesLineSalesFilter The No. Series module cannot have a dependency on Sales. Do not use this event.
Method OnObsoleteSetNoSeriesLinePurchaseFilter The No. Series module cannot have a dependency on Purchase. Do not use this event.
Method OnBeforeUpdateLine Temporary event for backwards compatibility. Do not use this event.
Table Microsoft.Foundation.NoSeries."No. Series Line Purchase" Merged into No. Series Line table.
Table Microsoft.Foundation.NoSeries."No. Series Line Sales" Merged into No. Series Line table.
Method GetLastDateUsed Use the field Last Date Used instead.
Method GetLastNoUsed Moved to No. Series codeunit.
Method GetNextSequenceNo Use GetNextNo in No. Series codeunit instead.
Method ExtractNoFromCode This functionality will be removed without public replacement.
Method GetFormattedNo This functionality will be removed without public replacement.
Field "Allow Gaps in Nos." The specific implementation is defined by the Implementation field and whether the implementation may produce gaps can be determined through the implementation interface or the procedure MayProduceGaps.
Field Series The No. Series module cannot reference tax features.
Field "Authorization Code" The No. Series module cannot reference tax features.
Field "Authorization Year" The No. Series module cannot reference tax features.
Method DrillDown The method has been moved to codeunit "No. Series Setup Impl."
Method UpdateLine The method has been moved to codeunit "No. Series Setup Impl."
Method UpdateLine The method has been moved to codeunit "No. Series Setup Impl."
Method FindNoSeriesLineToShow The method has been moved to codeunit NoSeriesManagement
Method OnBeforeValidateDefaultNos The event has been removed. There is no replacement.
Method OnBeforeValidateManualNos The event has been removed. There is no replacement.
Page Microsoft.Foundation.NoSeries."No. Series Lines Purchase" Merged into No. Series Lines page.
Page Microsoft.Foundation.NoSeries."No. Series Lines Sales" Merged into No. Series Lines page.
Report Microsoft.Foundation.NoSeries."No. Series" Report data is available on page 457 "No. Series Lines". It can be analyzed with either the Data Analysis feature or Open in Excel.
Report Microsoft.Foundation.NoSeries."No. Series Check" Report data is available on page 457 "No. Series Lines". It can be analyzed with either the Data Analysis feature or Open in Excel.