Business Central Admin Center API - Telemetry (API)

Telemetry includes the top-level AL events and any returned errors logged from the service. These events can provide necessary information and errors that can be used to troubleshoot issues happening in the tenant's environment.

Get Environment Telemetry

Returns the telemetry information for the provided environment and filters. it's recommended that you provide start and end time parameters to return a manageable data set.

GET /admin/v2.21/applications/{applicationFamily}/environments/{environmentName}/telemetry?startDateUtc={start}&endDateUtc={end}&logCategory={cat}

Route Parameters

applicationFamily - Family of the environment's application (for example, "BusinessCentral")

environmentName - Name of the targeted environment

Query parameters

start: datetime // The start of the telemetry entry time window to query
end: datetime // The end of the telemetry entry time window to query
cat: (All or 0) // Category of telemetry to query


Returns the telemetry logs and with data column headers.

  "queryColumns": [
      "name": string, // Column display name
      "ordinal": int, // Index of the column in the data set
      "dataType": ( string or 0 | numeric or 1 | datetime or 2 )
      "expectations": (none or 0 | wide or 1) // Flags enum value
  "queryResults": object[][] // Raw query data results 

Expected Error Codes

applicationTypeDoesNotExist - the provided value for the application family wasn't found

environmentNotFound - the targeted environment couldn't be found

  • target: {applicationFamily}/{environmentName}

invalidInput - the targeted property is invalid in some way

  • target: {logCategory} - the provided log category isn't a valid value

See Also

The Business Central Administration Center API
Manage Apps
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Server Administration Tool