jobQueueEntry resource type

Represents a job queue entry in Business Central.


For information about enabling APIs for Business Central see Enabling the APIs for Dynamics 365 Business Central.


Method Return Type Description
GET jobQueueEntry jobQueueEntry Gets a job queue entry object.

Bound Actions

The jobQueueEntry resource type offers a bound action called restart which restarts the corresponding jobQueueEntry batch. This is illustrated in the following example: RESTART https://<server address>:<server API port>/<server instance name>/api/v2.0/companies({id})/jobQueueEntrys({id})/Microsoft.NAV.restart

The response has no content; the response code is 204.

Navigation Return Type Description
jobQueueLogEntries jobQueueLogEntries Gets the jobqueuelogentries of the jobQueueEntry.


Property Type Description
id GUID The unique ID of the job queue entry. Non-editable.
jobQueueEntryId GUID
userId string
lastReadyState datetime
expirationDateTime datetime Date and time for when the webhook will expire.
earliestStartDateTime datetime
objectTypeToRun string
objectIdToRun integer
objectCaptionToRun string
reportOutputType NAV.jobQueueReportOutputType
maxNumberAttemptsToRun integer
numberOfAttemptsToRun integer
status string Specifies the status of the job queue entry.
recordIdToProcess string
parameterString string
recurringJob boolean
numberOfMinutesBetweenRuns integer
runOnMonday boolean
runOnTuesday boolean
runOnWednesday boolean
runOnThursday boolean
runOnFridays boolean
runOnSaturdays boolean
runOnSundays boolean
startingTime string
endingTime string
referenceStartingTime datetime
nextRunDateFormula string
description string Specifies the description of the job queue entry.
runInUserSession boolean
userSessionId integer
jobQueueCategoryCode string
errorMessage string The error message provided when a fail occurs.
userServiceInstanceId integer
userSessionStarted datetime
notifyOnSuccess boolean
userLanguageId integer
printerName string
reportRequestPageOptions boolean
rerunDelay integer
systemTaskId GUID
scheduled boolean
manualRecurrence boolean
jobTimeOut string
priorityWithinCategory NAV.jobQueuePriority
lastModifiedDateTime datetime The last datetime the job queue entry was modified. Read-Only.

JSON representation

Here is a JSON representation of the jobQueueEntry resource.

    "id": "GUID",
    "jobQueueEntryId": "GUID",
    "userId": "string",
    "lastReadyState": "datetime",
    "expirationDateTime": "datetime",
    "earliestStartDateTime": "datetime",
    "objectTypeToRun": "string",
    "objectIdToRun": "integer",
    "objectCaptionToRun": "string",
    "reportOutputType": "NAV.jobQueueReportOutputType",
    "maxNumberAttemptsToRun": "integer",
    "numberOfAttemptsToRun": "integer",
    "status": "string",
    "recordIdToProcess": "string",
    "parameterString": "string",
    "recurringJob": "boolean",
    "numberOfMinutesBetweenRuns": "integer",
    "runOnMonday": "boolean",
    "runOnTuesday": "boolean",
    "runOnWednesday": "boolean",
    "runOnThursday": "boolean",
    "runOnFridays": "boolean",
    "runOnSaturdays": "boolean",
    "runOnSundays": "boolean",
    "startingTime": "string",
    "endingTime": "string",
    "referenceStartingTime": "datetime",
    "nextRunDateFormula": "string",
    "description": "string",
    "runInUserSession": "boolean",
    "userSessionId": "integer",
    "jobQueueCategoryCode": "string",
    "errorMessage": "string",
    "userServiceInstanceId": "integer",
    "userSessionStarted": "datetime",
    "notifyOnSuccess": "boolean",
    "userLanguageId": "integer",
    "printerName": "string",
    "reportRequestPageOptions": "boolean",
    "rerunDelay": "integer",
    "systemTaskId": "GUID",
    "scheduled": "boolean",
    "manualRecurrence": "boolean",
    "jobTimeOut": "string",
    "priorityWithinCategory": "NAV.jobQueuePriority",
    "lastModifiedDateTime": "datetime"

GET jobQueueEntry