Warnings Turning into Errors Overview

This topic lists all the warning diagnostics that will turn or have turned into an error in the specified Business Central release.

Release Diagnostics Message
2025 release wave 1 - AL0755
- AL0803
- AL0816
- AL0818
- AL0826
- AL0837
- The '{0}' already defines a built-in member called '{1}'. Choose another name for {2} '{1}', or it might cause runtime issues.
- The name of {0} '{1}' conflicts with {0} '{2}' defined in {3} '{4}' by the extension '{5}'. Choose another name for one of them. Otherwise, this might cause runtime issues.
- The property '{0}' cannot be set if the property '{1}' is set to '{2}'.
- The {0} '{1}' already defines an event called '{2}' with the same parameter types in '{3}'.
- The type '{0}' cannot be used as a type argument in this context.
- The symbol '{0}' results in the same translation ID as one or more other symbols. Rename symbol to resolve the problem.
2024 release wave 2 - AL0545
- AL0775
- AL0778
- AL0780
- AL0788
- AL0804
- AL0805
- AL0814
- AL0830
- An area of type '{0}' is not valid on pages of type '{1}'.
- Try methods should not specify an explicit return value, because the value will be discarded. The actual return value depends on whether the method returns an error or not.
- The implicit conversion will overflow when converting from a 'Guid' to a '{0}' which is shorter than the converted textual representation of a 'Guid'.
- It is not allowed to assign a value to a field of FieldClass='{0}'.
- An area of type '{0}' is only valid on pages of type(s) '{1}'.
- You cannot reference the {0} '{1}' because it is defined in the page customization '{2}'.
- The object ID '{0}' should not be surrounded with quotes.
- The source of a column cannot be a flow filter.
- The method '{0}' is not supported as the implementation for the interface method because it is a try function.
2024 release wave 1 - AL0700
- AL0702
- AL0751
- AL0753
- AL0758
- AL0782
- Dependency '{0}' must be referenced in the property '{1}' rather than as an explicit dependency.
- Dependency '{0}' is referenced in the property '{1}' and as an explicit dependency. Remove the explicit dependency.
- Enum values can't be nested. Use '{0}' instead.
- The name of a dataitem cannot be empty because it can cause runtime errors.
- The name of {0} '{1}' conflicts with {0} '{2}' defined in {3} '{4}' by the extension '{5}'. Choose another name for one of them. Otherwise, this might cause runtime issues.
- A page extension is only allowed to access control add-ins defined within its own extension scope.
2023 release wave 2 - AL0731
- AL0733
- AL0743
- AL0745
- AL1078
- The name '{0}' does not exist in the current context.
- Access modifier '{0}' is not allowed for member '{1}' in the context of object type '{2}'.
- The property '{0}' is not valid for action '{1}' defined in control '{2}' of type '{3}'.
- The property '{0}' is not valid for action '{1}' defined in a report request page.
- Key vault URL is not a valid Azure key vault URL. A valid key vault URL must use HTTPS and point to the Azure key vault domain.
2023 release wave 1 - AL0711
- A member of type {0} with name '{1}' is already defined in {2} '{3}' by the extension '{4}'. Duplicate member names are not allowed when defining CueActions.
2022 release wave 2 - AL0660
- AL0677
- AL0715
- The property '{0}' cannot be customized.
- The member '{0}' in object '{1}' cannot be declared as protected in object type '{2}'.
- The {0} name '{1}' is reserved for future AL language features.
2022 release wave 1 - AL0692
- AL0694
- The primary key '{0}' on table '{1}' cannot be obsolete. All related properties will have no effect.
- The field '{0}' which is part of the primary key of table '{1}' cannot be obsolete. All related properties will have no effect.
2021 release wave 2 - AL0613
- Wrong signature. Correct signature for '{0}' is '{1}'.
2021 release wave 1 - AL0639
- 'Variant' is not a valid column type for column '{0}' in report '{1}'.
2020 release wave 1 - AL0559
- A Part type page cannot contain other parts.

See Also

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