RecordRef.CurrentKeyIndex([Integer]) Method

Version: Available or changed with runtime version 1.0.

Gets or sets the current key of the table referred to by the RecordRef. The current key is set or returned as a number. This first key = 1, and so on. If RecordRef does not have an active record, CURRENTKEYINDEX will return -1. If this value is then passed to KEYINDEX, an index out of bounds error will occur. Therefore it is important to implement a check of the RecordRef parameter.


[CurrentKeyIndex := ]  RecordRef.CurrentKeyIndex([NewKeyIndex: Integer])


This method can be invoked using property access syntax.


 Type: RecordRef
An instance of the RecordRef data type.

[Optional] NewKeyIndex
 Type: Integer
The number of the new key.

Return Value

[Optional] CurrentKeyIndex
 Type: Integer
The number of the current key.


The following example loops through four tables (36-39) opens each table as a RecordRef variable that is named MyRecordRef. The CurrentKeyIndex method retrieves the current key index of the tables. The name of the table and the current key index of each table are displayed in a message box. Each table is close before the next one is opened.

    MyRecordRef: RecordRef;
    CurrentKeyIndex: Integer;
    i: Integer;
    varFromTable: Integer;
    varToTable: Integer;
    Text000: Label 'Table: %1  Current key index: %2';
    varFromTable := 36;  
    varToTable := 39;  
    for i := varFromTable to varToTable do begin  
      CurrentKeyIndex := MyRecordRef.CurrentKeyIndex;  
      Message(Text000, MyRecordRef.Name, CurrentKeyIndex);  

See Also

RecordRef Data Type
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