Precision and fuzzy matching

Fuzzy matching allows you to deduplicate and match string data when the data doesn’t exactly match. String data with typos and other small differences are good candidates for fuzzy matching.

Each condition in a rule has a setting called Precision where you select how close two strings should be to be considered a match. The default precision setting requires an exact match for the strings being compared to match. Selecting any other value for precision enables fuzzy matching for that condition.

Precision can be set to low (30% match), medium (60% match), and high (80% match). You can also select the dropdown, and change Basic to Custom, allowing you to set the precision in 1% increments.


Only string data type columns can use fuzzy matching. For columns with other data types such as integer, double, or datetime, the precision field is set to exact match and is read only.

Fuzzy matching calculations

Fuzzy matches are made by computing the edit distance score for two strings. If the score meets or exceeds the precision threshold, then the strings are considered a match.

The edit distance is the number of edits required to turn one string into another string, by adding, deleting, or changing a character.

For example, the strings “Jacqueline” and “Jaclyne” have an edit distance of 5 when we remove the q, u, e, i, and e characters, and insert the y character.

The basic calculation to determine the edit distance score is: (Base string length – Edit Distance) / Base string length

Base string Comparison string Score
Jacqueline Jaclyne (10-4)/10=.6 (14-2) / 14 = 0.857
franklin frank (8-3) / 8 = 0.625

Normalization and fuzzy matching

Customer Insights – Data provides powerful data normalization routines that can handle many data discrepancies more efficiently than fuzzy matching. You can select one or more data normalization patterns for a column. Normalization doesn't change your data in the final output. The normalized data is only used for comparison purposes to match customer records more effectively.

Normalization Examples
Numerals Converts Unicode representations of numbers to the number.
Examples: □ and Ⅷ are both normalized to the number 8.
Note: The symbols must be encoded in Unicode Point Format.
Symbols Removes symbols and special characters.
Examples: !?"#$%&'( )+,.-/:;<=>@^~{}`[ ]
Text to lower case Converts upper case characters to lower case. 
Example: ‘THIS Is aN EXamplE’ is converted to 'this is an example’
Type – Phone Converts phones in various formats to digits, and accounts for variations in how country codes and extensions are presented. 
Example: +01 425.555.1212 = 1 (425) 555-1212
Type - Name Converts over 500 common name variations and titles. 
Examples: "debby" -> "deborah" "prof" and "professor" -> "Prof."
Type - Address Converts common parts of addresses 
Examples: "street" -> "st" and "northwest" -> "nw"
Type - Organization Removes around 50 company name ‘noise words’ such as "co," "corp," "corporation," and “ltd.”
Unicode to ASCII Converts Unicode characters to their ASCII letter equivalent 
Example: The characters 'à,' 'á,' 'â,' 'À,' 'Á,' 'Â,' 'Ã,' 'Ä,' 'Ⓐ,' and 'A' are all converted to 'a.'
Whitespace Removes all white space
Alias mapping Allows you to upload a custom list of string pairs that can then be used to indicate strings that should always be considered an exact match. 
Use alias mapping when you have specific data examples you think should match, and aren't matched using one of the other normalization patterns. 
Example: Scott and Scooter, or IBM and International Business Machines.
Custom bypass Allows you to upload a custom list of strings that can then be used to indicate strings that should never be matched.
Custom bypass is useful when you have data that has common values that should be ignored, such as a dummy phone number or dummy email. 
Example: Never match the phone 555-1212, or

Performance – use exact match conditions

Fuzzy matching is powerful, but takes more time and resources than exact matching. It's best to use data normalization as your first approach for data irregularities and use fuzzy matching strategically.


Use at least one exact match condition in every rule.

The exact match conditions are run first to obtain a smaller set of values that need to be fuzzy matched. To be effective, the exact matching conditions should have a reasonable degree of uniqueness. For example, if all your customers live in the same country, then having an exact match on country would likely not help narrow the scope.

Columns like full name, email, phone or address fields have good uniqueness and are great columns to use as an exact match.