Preview personalized content


When you test send an email and use a sample audience record, the sent email uses condition outcomes or variations you manually select during test send (it will not use audience data for conditions). Always send email through a test journey to fully test emails with conditions and conditional content.

You can preview your personalized content in the Preview and test view. Learn more: Preview and test send your email

To preview personalized content, select the Preview and test tab, then select Edit sample data. On the right pane, enter sample data values to see how email content looks. Alternatively, you can select an existing record for personalization in Dataverse. Alternatively, you can enter sample data values. Preview uses data from this record for all dynamic text that uses this record type as the data source. Whether you use sample data or select a record depends on the kind of personalization you're using.

The following table details how to preview different types of personalized content:

Personalization concept How to preview
Dynamic text
·       Using Audience Select an audience record or enter test data manually
·       Using trigger Manually provide test data (or select a Dataverse record where appropriate) *Custom triggers are not supported at this time
·       Using specific record Select a record or enter test data manually
Link, Button, and QR code that uses Dynamic text (See relevant row above)
Brand profile Select a brand profile
Compliance Manually provide test data
List Audience based: Select an audience record

Specific record: Select a record

Others: Not supported
Inline condition
·       Using audience Manually set True/False
·       Using trigger Manually set True/False
Conditional content Select desired variation from the menu
Customer Voice Uses selected CV Survey
(Shown as anonymous link)


  1. When an audience record is selected, any dynamic text and lists that use "audience" as a data source will be resolved using data from the selected record. You can enter sample values for the remaining dynamic text, if any, that is not using "audience" as its source. Inline conditions and conditional content are not evaluated using the audience record or the sample data provided for trigger. For inline conditions, select True or False values manually to preview the outcome. Similarly, for conditional content, select a variation to see its preview.
  2. When dynamic text is defined using a specific record and a record is not actually selected, preview uses default values. If a record is selected, preview uses data from that record.