Create and manage categories


The feature availability information is as follows.

Dynamics 365 Contact Center—embedded Dynamics 365 Contact Center—standalone Dynamics 365 Customer Service
No Yes Yes

Using the Categories entity, you can create hierarchical categorical data to help group records. Categorizing entity records in the application helps you tag the records so that you can easily search them. Use the entity to create and manage a logical structure of categories in Dynamics 365 Customer Service, and then associate entity records to one or more categories.

Categories are useful for reporting, sorting, segmenting, and categorization of records.

Create a category

Make sure that you have the Customer Service Manager, System Administrator, or System Customizer security role or equivalent permissions.

Check your security role

  • Follow the steps in View your user profile.

  • Don’t have the correct permissions? Contact your system administrator.

  1. In the site map of Customer Service admin center or Contact Center admin center, select Knowledge in Agent experience. The Knowledge page appears.

  2. In the Categories section, select Manage. The All Categories view is displayed. You can switch between various system views using the dropdown list.

  3. On the command bar, select New to create a new category record.

  4. Enter the required information.

    1. In the General section, fill in the required details:
    • Title: Provide a title for the category.
    • Description: Give a detailed description of the category.
    • Display Order: Provide a position where the category can be displayed in the hierarchical order.
    • Parent Category: Select an existing category to become the parent category. You can create a new category by selecting New.
    • Category Number: The category number is displayed for category reference. To view this, first save the record by selecting Save on the command bar.

    b. In the Associated Categories section:

    • View all the Child Categories for a particular category.
    • Create a new category by selecting Add New Category.

Manage categories

  • To see the hierarchy of a particular record and its parent and child category associations, select a category from the list and select View Hierarchy.
  • To assign the category to a particular owner, select Assign on the command bar.
  • To delete a category, select the category from the list and select Delete on the command bar.
  • To edit a category, select the category in the Title column. You can also select the category in the list and select Edit on the command bar.


The Categories lookup view in the advanced settings of Dynamics 365 isn't customizable.

Use the Category entity to categorize records