Use the out-of-the-box data model in your custom reports


The feature availability information is as follows.

Dynamics 365 Contact Center—embedded Dynamics 365 Contact Center—standalone Dynamics 365 Customer Service
No Yes Yes


Case information is applicable to Customer Service only.

This articles describes how you can create a new report that leverages the out-of-the-box data model. You can also extend this report and add new metrics based on the available data within the Dynamics 365 Customer Service dataset.


Create a new report based on Dynamics 365 Customer Service dataset

  1. Go to Power BI desktop, and then go to File > New.

  2. Select Get data > Microsoft Fabric (Preview), and then from the list, select Power BI dataset or Search for Power BI datasets.

  3. Select the appropriate dataset, depending on whether you require historical or real-time metrics. Make sure you select the data model from managed workspaces.

    The tables and attributes from the managed data model are now available for you to use in your report in the data panel.

  4. Select Connect.

  5. After you're done with your edits, select File > Publish, to publish the new report back to Power BI.


We recommend that you don't use hidden out-of-the-box facts or dimension fields in your custom reports, as these fields might be modified or deleted in future updates.

Add Dynamics 365 Customer Service dataset to existing reports

  • Download a copy of the report. Make sure you download with a live connection to data online.
  • If you'd like to edit the out-of-the-box copy of the report, download the report from the customer workspace.

To add Dynamics 365 Customer Service dataset to existing reports:

  1. Go to the Power BI service, and then select the report from your custom workspace.

  2. Select File > Download this file.

  3. Select the option to download a copy of your report with a live connection to data online.

  4. Select Get data > Power BI datasets.

  5. Select the appropriate dataset, depending on whether you require historical or real-time metrics. Make sure you select the data model from managed workspaces.

    The tables and attributes from the managed data model are now available for you to use in your report in the data panel.

  6. After you finish your edits, select File > Publish, to publish the updated report back to Power BI.

Extend the out-of-the-box data model

Add new metrics based on data available in the Dynamics 365 Customer Service dataset

If you need to create a metric within the existing entities (as described in Scenario 1 and Scenario 2, perform the following steps:

  1. Go to the Power BI desktop and open the report you want to edit. Make sure you use the steps described in Add Dynamics 365 Customer Service dataset to existing reports, to ensure that your report is connected to the Dynamics 365 Customer Service dataset.

  2. Right-click the entity for which you want to create your new metric.

  3. Enter the Data Analysis Expressions (DAX) logic for real-time metrics after selecting the required attributes such as name and data type. For more information about DAX, go to DAX function reference.

  4. Save your measure and include it in your visualization as required.

  5. Publish your newer version to Power BI by selecting File > Publish.


If you need to rename an existing column, you'll have to create a new local model.


Here's an example that describes how to create a new service level of 150 seconds for real-time reports.

  1. Go to the Power BI service, and then select the report from your custom workspace.

  2. Download the real-time report with a live connection and open it in Power BI.

  3. Right-click the FactConversation entity and select New measure.

    Refer to the Data model mapping for real-time analytics reports in Omnichannel for Customer Service to get the logic used to calculate the out-of-the-box metrics, which you can use to build your logic.

  4. Enter the following code:

    Service level (150 seconds) =  
        DIVIDE ( 
            SUMX ( 
                IF ( 
                    FactConversation[ConversationFirstWaitTimeInSeconds] <= 150 
                        && FactConversation[IsAgentAccepted] 
                        && NOT FactConversation[DirectionCode], 
          SUMX ( 
                IF ( 
                        && NOT FactConversation[DirectionCode], 
            BLANK () 
  5. Ensure that the format is Percentage, and then select Save.

  6. Replace the Service level (60 seconds) on the Summary Report page with the newly created Service level (150 seconds) measure.

  7. Select Save, and then select File > Publish to Power BI.

Add new metrics based on Dynamics 365 Customer Service dataset and external data

If you need to get additional data, both from within Dynamics 365 Customer Service as well as external data, as described in Scenario 3 and Scenario 4, perform the following steps:

  1. Go to Power BI desktop and open the report you want to edit.

    Make sure you use the steps described in Add Dynamics 365 Customer Service dataset to existing reports to ensure that your report is connected to the dynamics data model.

  2. Select the Modeling tab, and then select Make changes to this model.

    You may be asked to create a local model to bring in additional data sources. This creates a data model within the workspace where the report exists. This local model (for the report) uses a DirectQuery connection to connect to the Dynamics 365 model so you can leverage metrics from the dynamics model while adding your own.

  3. Select Add a local model.

  4. On the Connect to your data dialog, select Submit.

  5. If you need to bring additional attributes from Dynamics, select Dataverse. For other applications, use the appropriate source.

  6. On the Navigator pane, select the entity, and then select Transform data.

  7. On the Connection Settings dialog, select the preferred connection, and then select OK.

  8. After the local model is created, select Get data, and then select the appropriate data source.

  9. On the Modeling tab, select Manage relationship to create relationships between the new entities that you've added with existing entities.

  10. Right-click the entity for which you want to create your new metric.

  11. Enter the DAX logic after selecting the required attributes such as name and data type.

  12. Save your measure and include it in your visualization as required.

  13. Publish your newer version to Power BI by selecting File > Publish.


Here's an example that describes how to filter the out-of-the-box Customer Service historical reports by a user’s title.

  1. Go to Power BI service, and then select the report from your custom workspace.

  2. Download the Customer Service historical analytics report with live connection and open it in Power BI.

  3. Create the local model using the steps explained earlier.

  4. In the Navigator pane, select the appropriate Dynamics Customer Service organization. As the metrics will be based on Dynamics 365 data, Dataverse connector is used.

  5. From the list of entities, select the entity (or entities) that you need. Use the system user entity.

  6. Select Transform data to apply the necessary filters and to remove unwanted columns.

    As a best practice, make sure you pull only the data that's necessary to ensure optimal performance and refresh rates. You can choose to use Import mode or DirectQuery mode, depending on the your needs. In case of real-time reports, you may choose to use DirectQuery to help ensure that you get the latest data every time. To prevent any confusion, this entity can be named UserTitle.

    The new entity, UserTitle, and the Title attribute are loaded and available for you. To successfully create a relationship between this new entity and existing data, we need the User Id as well.

  7. Select the Modeling tab, and Manage relationship to create a new relationship between DimAgent entity and the newly created UserTitle entity using the agent Id attribute.

    You can then add this as a filter to the existing report or add newer metrics if required based on this attribute.

  8. Select Save, and then select File > Publish to Power BI.

Publish reports back to Dynamics 365 Customer Service

After you've created the new reports, you can enable your Dynamics 365 users to be able to view these reports from the Customer Service workspace app. Work with your administrator to ensure that the viewers have appropriate access to view and embed these reports in Dynamics 365.

Next steps

Customize data models of historical and real-time analytics reports
Data models and report mappings for historical analytics reports in Customer Service
Data model mapping for real-time analytics reports in Omnichannel for Customer Service Overview of data model customization