Manage cases with case grids

The modernized case grids help you increase your productivity by providing quick access to information, such as last customer interaction, case age, and the next SLA breach. You can perform inline edits and quick operations with minimal clicks, thereby managing cases quickly and efficiently. Key features include:

  • The Enhanced Active Cases view is available by default with additional fields such as Case Age, Next SLA, Is escalated, and Last Interaction.
  • Color coded icons for Priority, Case status, and the Origin channels, avatars for Owner appear in all the case views.

Columns on the Enhanced Active Cases view

The Enhanced Active Cases view displays the following fields:


  • Enabling the Enhanced Active Cases view as the default view alters the modifiedon and modifiedby fields on the case entity. We recommend that you avoid using these fields for reporting.

Screenshot of the default case grid at runtime.

Column Default experience Experience with other grids
Origin Shows the Origin Icon followed by the text for all the views on Case Grid. The Origin column is editable on double-click. You can sort and filter the data. Only the text appears, without any icons.
Priority Shows the color-coded Priority icon followed by the text for all the views on Case Grid. The Priority column is editable on double-click. You can sort and filter the data. Only the text appears, without any icons.
Owner Shows the profile image of the Owner, if available; otherwise shows the initials followed by the Owner name as text. The Owner column is editable on double-click. You can sort and filter the data. Only the owner’s name appears without any profile image or initials.
Last Interaction Shows the last activity and the action performed on that activity—for example, Note Added for standard activities. For custom activities, only the created or updated status is shown. Selecting it opens the corresponding activity’s form. This data is read-only. You can't sort or filter the data. Additionally, if the activity has an attachment, you can see an attachment icon next to the activity. Displaying the Last Interaction column doesn’t affect the modifiedon and modifiedby fields. No text appears.
Next SLA Searches through all active, that is, non-canceled SLA KPI instances attached to the given case, filters, and then picks the SLA KPI instance that's in an unresolved state and has the earliest expiry time. If the expiry time is in the past, it indicates that there's an expired SLA instance associated with the case. The SLA KPI instance name isn't shown along with the timer control. The unsupported properties of the SLA timer control are negative timer, customized labels, upgrade frequency, and auto-refresh. The Next SLA column is read-only. You can sort the data but can't filter it. Calculating Next SLA for cases results in updates to the modifiedon and modifiedby fields on the case entity. If you want to disable Next SLA, you must contact Microsoft Support. The SLA timer doesn't appear. Only the value assigned to Next SLA field in the back end appears, which includes details such as name of SLA instance and expiry/warning time.
Subject Shows the subject associated with the case. You can edit the Subject column by double-clicking it. All the available options that you can select are listed. A hierarchical view isn't available. You can sort and filter the data. The subject associated with the case appears as a text.
Is Escalated Shows a toggle button reflecting whether the case has been escalated. The Is Escalated column is editable. You can sort and filter the data. Escalation information in the form of Yes/No appears as text.
Case Age Shows the static text with the duration for which the case has been active for active and resolved cases in the format {xx}d {yy}h or {xx}h {yy}m. For canceled cases, the column shows Canceled. For cases that were in the Resolved state before enabling modernized case grids, the column shows as Resolved. Calculated Case Age is refreshed every minute, but you must refresh the view to see the updated case age on the grid. The column shows 0h 0m when a case is created, after which the column shows either {xx}h {yy}m or {xx}d {yy}h. This column is read-only. You can't sort or filter the data. To calculate case age for cases that are resolved after enabling modernized case grids, the deactivatedon attribute captures the date and time, when a case is resolved. Case age for resolved cases depends on the values of the createdon and deactivatedon attributes. Calculating case age for active or resolved cases won't affect the modifiedon and modifiedby fields. Duration in minutes (whole number) for active and resolved cases appears. For canceled cases, Canceled appears.

Customize the Case grid

Depending on the information that you want to view, you can choose to add columns to the case grid and you can change the existing case grid views.

Add columns to the Case grid

Adding columns to the new Enhanced Active Cases view directly isn't supported. However, you can create a copy of the existing view and customize it.

To create a copy of the Enhanced Active Cases view and customize it to add a new column:

  1. In the Customer Service workspace site map, open a new tab, and then select Cases.

  2. From the dropdown list, select Enhanced Active Cases .

  3. Select Switch to classic.

  4. Enter a new name for the view. This saves it as a copy of the Enhanced Active Cases view.

  5. From the list of views available for Cases, select the new view that you created.

  6. Select Column Options.

  7. In the Edit columns dialog, select Add columns. The Add columns dialog appears.

  8. In the Add columns dialog, within Case, search for the column that you want to add.

  9. Select the column, and then select Close. The new column that you have added appears in the Edit columns dialog.

  10. Select Apply. If you want to change the sequence of the columns, select Move up, and then select Apply.

Make changes to existing case grid views

You can also add columns to your existing views. For example, if you want to add Last Interaction or any of the other new key data columns, perform the following steps:

  1. In the Customer Service workspace site map, open a new tab, and then select Cases.

  2. From the dropdown list, select any of the existing views.

  3. Select Column Options.

  4. In the Edit columns dialog, select Add columns. The Add columns dialog appears.

  5. In the Add columns dialog, within Case, select Custom from the dropdown list.

  6. Select Last Interaction, and then select Close. Last Interaction appears in the Edit columns dialog.

  7. Select Apply. If you want to change the sequence of the columns, select Move up, and then select Apply.

Enable case grids Enable entities for service-level agreements
Troubleshoot issues in SLAs