Link and unlink knowledge articles

Link and unlink the knowledge article to a record

You can associate and dissociate a knowledge article with a record. By default, the articles aren't linked to the case. When you select to link the article to the case, the link icon changes, and Linked to Case is displayed for the article.

Link or unlink an article to a case

Linked knowledge articles subgrid

The linked knowledge article subgrid is available for an entity, such as a case or account, only if your system administrator has added the subgrid to the entity form. The knowledge article subgrid displays the knowledge articles that have been linked with the entity. Some of the options available are as follows:

  • Add a knowledge article
  • Select and edit an article's content
  • Sort
  • Bulk operations

You can also edit a knowledge article by double-clicking it in the linked articles list.

To link the knowledge article to an entity, you need to do the following steps. For the sake of this example, let us consider the entity as Accounts.

  1. In the Customer Service Hub site map, go to Customers > Accounts.

  2. Select any active account from the list of accounts.

  3. On the Summary tab, scroll down to the Linked Knowledge Articles subgrid.


The name of the subgrid can vary depending on the customizations your organization has made.

  1. Select More commands (⁝), and then select Add Existing Knowledge Article.

    Add an existing knowledge article.

  2. Search for the knowledge article that you want to link, and select Link.

    Search for a knowledge article to link to an entity.

  3. Select Done. The article will appear in the Linked Knowledge Articles subgrid.

Create and manage knowledge articles
Understand knowledge base search mechanisms