Summary dashboard
The Summary dashboard gives you a broad overview of the customer service experience in your organization. It uses AI to provide insights into topics that generate the highest volume and topics that are emerging with the highest rate of change in volume.
The summary dashboard includes various charts with graphical views of key performance indicators (KPIs) in Customer Service.
The case volume drivers and emerging case volume by topic charts use natural language understanding to group support cases as topics that are a collection of related cases. These charts show you the customer support topics generate the most volume and emerging topics with the highest rate of change in volume. This helps you identify areas of improvement that can affect support performance.
By default, the dashboard shows you KPIs for the past month and for all channels, queues, and customer service representatives (service representatives or representatives) in your system. The data filtering options allow you to select data for a specific time period, channel, queue, and representative. To filter data by duration, channel, queue, or representative, select a value from the respective dropdown list.
If you switch to a different dashboard, the filter you specify persists and is applied to the data on all dashboards.
Access the Summary dashboard
In the Customer Service workspace or Omnichannel for Customer Service app, do one of the following to view the dashboard:
- In the default view, select the plus (+) icon, and then select Customer Service historical analytics.
- If the enhanced multisession workspace view is enabled, select the site map and then select Customer Service historical analytics.
On the page that appears, select the dashboard.
Key Insights discovered
The Key Insights discovered section has two areas:
KPI insights: Important subjects that impact performance, such as CSAT pertaining to priority, volume pertaining to channel, and open cases pertaining to queues.
Topics to watch: Topics that rank high across the three key areas to make it easier for customer service managers to discover top issues.
Report details
The KPI summary charts summarize the KPIs for the specified time period and the percent change over the period. You can filter these areas by duration, channel, queue, and representative.
The case lifecycle and the metrics that can be derived in the different statuses is represented in the following diagram.
The following table shows the KPIs that appear in the report.
KPI | Description |
Incoming cases | The number of cases created to support customers. |
Active cases | The number of cases that are currently open. |
Escalated rate | The percentage of cases that have been escalated. |
Avg. resolve time (hrs) | The average length of time taken by a representative to resolve the case. |
Avg. CSAT | The average customer satisfaction score, based on Customer Voice survey submitted by the customer. |
Avg. survey sentiment | The average sentiment score, based on Customer Voice survey written feedback submitted by the customer. |
The following metrics appear in the charts.
Chart | Description |
Case volume by status | A breakdown of case volume by status. |
Open cases by priority | A case breakdown by priority level. |
Incoming cases by channel | A case breakdown by channel. |
Open cases by case age | A breakdown of cases by the amount of time in an open state. |
Avg. CSAT trend | The year-over-year trend of case volume. |
Avg. survey sentiment trend | The year-over-year trend of CSAT from Customer Voice survey responses. |
On the Top 10 volume topics tab, you can view the top 10 AI-discovered topics by case volume.
On the Emerging case volume by topic tab, you can view the the top emerging AI discovered topics based on increase in case volume.
You can view the core case metrics by channel or core case metrics in relation to other metrics and date.
Related information
Dashboard overview
Agent dashboard
Topics dashboard
Manage report bookmarks