Translate customized entity and field text into other languages

This topic applies to Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement (on-premises). For the Power Apps version of this topic, see: Translate customized entity, form, and field text into other languages

After you create customized entity and field text, you may want to translate it into other languages.

  1. Make sure you have the System Administrator security role or equivalent permissions in Microsoft Dynamics 365.

  2. Open solution explorer.

  3. On the Actions toolbar, click Export Translations.

  4. After completing the export, open or save the compressed (.zip) file that contains the exported labels to your local computer or network.

  5. Extract the XML file from the compressed (.zip) file and translate it.

Community tools

Easy Translator is a tool that XrmToolBox community developed for Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement (on-premises). Use Easy Translator to export and import translations with contextual information.


The community tools are not supported by Microsoft Dynamics. If you have questions about the tool, please contact the publisher. More Information: XrmToolBox.

See also

Import translated entity and field text