The CONVERTCURRENCY function returns a Real value that represents the result of converting the specified monetary amount from the specified source currency to the specified target currency by using the settings of the specified company on the specified date.


CONVERTCURRENCY (amount, source currency, target currency, date, company)


amount: Integer or Real

A numeric value that represents the monetary amount that must be converted.

source currency: String

The code of the source currency.

target currency: String

The code of the target currency.

date: Date

A Date value that represents the date that is used to determine the exchange rate for the conversion.

company: String

A String value that represents the code of a company that supplies the settings that are used for the conversion.

Return values


The resulting numeric value.


CONVERTCURRENCY (1, "EUR", "USD", TODAY(), "DEMF") returns the equivalent of one euro in US dollars on the current session date, based on settings for the DEMF company.

Additional resources

Other (business domain–specific) functions