Fetch environment metadata

You can fetch environment metadata through Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services (LCS) via the LCS Environment API. This API returns a paginated list that, by default, includes all environments in the project. The optional query string parameters can be used to filter the response.


API application

One of the following permissions is required to call this API. For more information about permissions and how to select them, see Database movement API - Authentication.

Permission type Permissions (from least privileged to most privileged)
Delegated (work or school account) user_impersonation


In LCS, the user who is used in the API OAuth authentication must be added to the project as either a project owner or an environment administrator. The user must accept the invitation to the project.

HTTP request

Use the following GET endpoint to fetch environment metadata.

Fetch metadata for all environments in a project

GET /environmentinfo/v1/detail/project/{projectId}/?page=1

Fetch metadata for a single environment by ID

GET /environmentinfo/v1/detail/project/{projectId}/?environmentId={environmentId}

Fetch metadata for a single environment by name

GET /environmentinfo/v1/detail/project/{projectId}/?environmentName={environmentName}

Request headers

Use the following header values in the HTTP request header.

Header Value
Authorization Bearer {token} (required)
'x-ms-version' '2017-09-15' (required)
Content-Type application/json

Request body

Don't supply a request body for this method.



The response is always a "200 OK" response, unless you aren't correctly authenticated. Be sure to use the IsSuccess property to evaluate the success or failure of the action.


The result includes a Boolean ResultHasMorePages property that indicates whether another page of results is available. The ?page= query string parameter can be used to fetch a specific page.


For each environment, the following properties are available. If no value is available for a property, null is returned.

Property Description
EnvironmentId The LCS environment ID.
EnvironmentName The environment name.
ProjectId The ID of the LCS project that contains the environment.
EnvironmentInfrastructure The infrastructure type of the environment (for example, SelfService or MicrosoftManaged).
EnvironmentType The environment type (for example, Production or Sandbox).
EnvironmentGroup The environment group (for example, Primary or DiasterRecovery).
EnvironmentProduct The product that is running in the environment.
EnvironmentEndpointBaseUrl The base URL of the environment.
DeploymentState The state of the most recent environment operation.
TopologyDisplayName The product topology that is deployed in the environment.
CurrentApplicationBuildVersion A string of the application version.
CurrentApplicationReleaseName A string of the application release name.
CurrentPlatformReleaseName A string of the platform version.
CurrentPlatformVersion A string of the platform release name.
DeployedOnUTC A Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) date/time value that indicates when the environment was deployed.
CloudStorageLocation The primary Azure location of the environment.
DisasterRecoveryLocation The secondary Azure location of the environment.
DeploymentStatusDisplay The current status of the environment.
CanStart A Boolean value that indicates whether the environment can be started.
CanStop A Boolean value that indicates whether the environment can be stopped.

Example response

Successful response for a project-level request

    "ResultPageCurrent": 1,
    "ResultHasMorePages": true,
    "Data": [
            "EnvironmentId": "d15ed3a8c2c14054840b946c93915da9",
            "EnvironmentName": "ProdEnvironment1",
            "ProjectId": 112233,
            "EnvironmentInfrastructure": "MicrosoftManaged",
            "EnvironmentType": "Production",
            "EnvironmentGroup": "Primary",
            "EnvironmentProduct": "finance and operations",
            "EnvironmentEndpointBaseUrl": "<example>",
            "DeploymentState": "Finished",
            "TopologyDisplayName": "finance and operations - High Availability (10.0.20 with Platform update 44)",
            "CurrentApplicationBuildVersion": "10.0.886.48",
            "CurrentApplicationReleaseName": "10.0.20",
            "CurrentPlatformReleaseName": "Update44",
            "CurrentPlatformVersion": "7.0.6060.45",
            "DeployedOnUTC": "8/5/2021 11:00 PM",
            "CloudStorageLocation": "Central India",
            "DisasterRecoveryLocation": "South India",
            "DeploymentStatusDisplay": "Deployed",
            "CanStart": false,
            "CanStop": false,
            "DatabaseDailyBackupsEnabled": true,
            "DatabaseBackupLocation": "Central India"
            "EnvironmentId": "60b557b2-fefb-4690-859e-f83caf98c17e",
            "EnvironmentName": "SandboxEnvironment1",
            "ProjectId": 112233,
            "EnvironmentInfrastructure": "MicrosoftManaged",
            "EnvironmentType": "Sandbox",
            "EnvironmentGroup": "Primary",
            "EnvironmentProduct": "finance and operations",
            "EnvironmentEndpointBaseUrl": "<example>",
            "DeploymentState": "Finished",
            "TopologyDisplayName": "finance and operations - Sandbox (10.0.20 with Platform update 44)",
            "CurrentApplicationBuildVersion": "10.0.960.24",
            "CurrentApplicationReleaseName": "10.0.21",
            "CurrentPlatformReleaseName": "Update45",
            "CurrentPlatformVersion": "7.0.6129.19",
            "DeployedOnUTC": "8/5/2021 12:42 PM",
            "CloudStorageLocation": "East US",
            "DisasterRecoveryLocation": "West US",
            "DeploymentStatusDisplay": "Failed",
            "CanStart": false,
            "CanStop": true,
            "DatabaseDailyBackupsEnabled": true,
            "DatabaseBackupLocation": "East US"
    "IsSuccess": true,
    "OperationActivityId": "216ea45d-113d-445a-a393-f67041f7aafe",
    "ErrorMessage": null,
    "VersionEOL": "9999-12-31T23:59:59.9999999"

Rate limits

To better load balance requests, there are rate limits on this API:

  • 6 calls for each project per minute


Requests that exceed the limits will be rejected, and an "HTTP 429 Too Many Requests" response will be returned. The retry-after header will indicate the number of seconds that the request can be retried after.