Accounting source explorer

This article provides information about the Accounting source explorer page, which you can use for detailed analysis of the source information behind general ledger accounting entries.

The Accounting source explorer page shows source information. You can use it either as a stand-alone tool or to analyze the details behind general ledger accounting entries. For example, you can use the page to get the most detailed source information for a balance in the trail balance or for a voucher transaction. You can then use the Export to MS Excel feature to further slice and dice the information in Microsoft Excel (for example, in a PivotTable or on a PivotTable report).

The Accounting source explorer page always shows the same total amount per ledger account as General ledger shows (for example, in a trial balance). As in a trial balance, you can display segments in separate columns. Just select the appropriate financial dimension set.

You can use parameters to define a date interval for the analysis. This functionality also resembles the functionality in a trial balance.

For all documents that use the source document framework, the Accounting source explorer page shows additional information, based on accounting distributions and, if applicable, project accounting distributions. This information includes the Monetary amount type, Project, Activity, Category, and Line property values. Here are some examples of the analysis that you can do:

  • Variances between purchase orders and vendor invoices, because each variance is represented by a monetary amount type, such as charge variance
  • Billable versus non-billable hours and expenses per project, business unit, and main account

For source documents that use the source document reference identities concept, the Accounting source explorer page shows even more details, such as the Customer, Vendor, Worker, Product, Quantity, Unit text, and Description values. Here are some examples of the analysis that you can do:

  • Hotel expenses per business unit and hotel brand for a fiscal period, based on expense reports
  • Discounts per vendor, product, department

For these documents, you can also navigate to the actual source document from the Accounting source explorer page.


As of in Microsoft Dynamics 365 version 10.0.36, a Accounting source explorer advanced filtering feature is available in Feature management and will be set to mandatory in version 10.0.39. This feature replaces the Update button and provides a more robust advanced query experience that resembles what is available on the Voucher transactions page. The advanced filter lets you filter on fields such as Ledger account, Business unit, Cost center, and Department.


In version 10.0.39, the accounting source explorer will have a performance boost by having a background process keep the recently posted documents updated and ready for viewing in the accounting source explorer. On the Process automation administration page > Background processes, there is a new process Accounting source explorer background preprocessing. This background process continuously looks for recently posted source document backed documents and keep the data structure used for the accounting source explorer up-to-date.