Import currency exchange rates

If a legal entity has received invoices in foreign currencies, the foreign currency must be converted into the local currency. This means that up-to-date exchange rates for different currencies are required. This article provides an overview of the settings and processing required to import foreign exchange reference rates that are published by exchange rate providers, such as OANDA RatesĀ®, the European Central Bank, and the Central Bank of Russia.


Beginning in Dynamics 365 Finance version 10.0.41, a new rate provider option, OANDA Central Banks, is available with an upgraded license key from OANDA.

The following sections describe the flow of information that is used for setting up and processing the import of foreign exchange rates.

Configure an exchange rate provider

Before you can import exchange rates, you must set up the information that is required by the providers who offer the exchange rates. Use the Configure exchange rate providers page to select the exchange rate providers. Some exchange rate providers are included with the demo data in Dynamics 365 Finance. The following table provides descriptions for the controls on this page.

Field Description
Name The name of the exchange rate provider.
Key The Key column is a unique identifier for each piece of configuration information that is required by the provider. This information is automatically added for each exchange rate provider that you add.
Value The Value column is the required information for each key. This information is added for each exchange rate provider that you add. OANDA provider options requires the API key value to be filled in by you that were received from OANDA directly. The OANDA Central Banks provider allows you to select a specific cental bank value in the Data set key field.

Import currency exchange rates

You can import exchange rates from the exchange rate providers source and add them to the Currency exchange rates page. Use the Import currency exchange rates page to import the exchange rates. The following table provides descriptions of the fields that are required to successfully complete the import process.

Field Description
Exchange rate type An exchange rate type.
Exchange rate provider An exchange rate provider.
Import as of This parameter manages whether to import as of the current date or for a specific date range. If you want to use a date range, enter or select the start and end dates.
Create necessary currency pairs This check box manages the automatic creation of currency pairs, if the currency pairs that are imported do not exist. This option might not be available for some providers.
Override existing exchange rates This check box manages the update of the existing exchange rate for a currency pair when the exchange rate for a specific date already exists. If you do not select this check box, the exchange rate for the specific dates is not imported if another exchange rate already exists.
Prevent import on national holiday This check box manages the import of the exchange rate for public holiday's date. For example, if you select this check box and use the European Central Bank as the exchange rate provider, the system will not update the exchange rate on a public holiday that is related to the current legal entity. This option might not be available for some providers.
Rate from the previous day This check box is available if you enable ECB import on the current or previous date feature on the Feature management page. This check box is only available for the provider, Central Bank of Europe. Select this check box to import the currency exchange rate that is published by the European Central Bank on the previous working day at approximately 16:00 CET. By default, the check box is selected. Clear this check box to import the currency exchange rate that is published on the same working day.