Onboarding for electronic invoicing in Saudi Arabia

Onboarding is mandatory for all taxpayers who are subject to electronic invoicing in Saudi Arabia. As a result of the onboarding process, taxpayers obtain Cryptographic Stamp Identifiers (CSIDs). CSIDs are required for integration with the electronic invoicing portal that the Saudi Arabian tax authority (Zakat, Tax and Customs Authority [ZATCA]) manages, and for further submission of electronic invoices.

This article explains how to onboard taxpayers and their electronic invoicing software with ZATCA.


  • The legal entity must be registered as a taxpayer in Saudi Arabia and must have a valid value-added tax (VAT) registration number.
  • The legal entity must have the access to the Saudi Arabian Taxation Portal (ERAD).

Onboarding process

The onboarding process consists of two steps:

  1. Obtain a Compliance CSID (CCSID), which ZATCA assigns to perform compliance checks on electronic invoice generation solutions (EGSs).
  2. Obtain a Production CSID (PCSID), which ZATCA assigns to compliant EGSs.

Obtain a CCSID

  1. In the Saudi Arabian Taxation Portal (ERAD), go to the Onboarding and Management Portal by selecting the relevant tile.

  2. On the main landing page of the Onboarding and Management Portal, select the Onboard new solution unit/device tile, and then select Generate OTP code.

  3. Select the number of one-time password (OTP) codes to generate. The number depends on the number of e-invoicing generation units (devices) that will be used.

  4. Save the generated OTP codes so that you can use them in later steps.


    OTP codes are valid for only one hour after they're generated. Make sure that you use them within that time.

  5. Prepare a configuration file for the certificate signing request (CSR). This configuration file should be in the form of a plain text file that contains the following data.

    oid_section = OIDs
    certificateTemplateName =
    default_bits = 2048
    emailAddress = MyEmail@email.com
    req_extensions = v3_req
    x509_extensions = v3_ca
    prompt = no
    default_md = sha 256
    req_extensions = req_ext
    distinguished_name = dn
    OU=Riyad Branch
    basicConstraints = CA:FALSE
    keyUsage = digitalSignature, nonRepudiation, keyEncipherment
    certificateTemplateName = ASN1:PRINTABLESTRING:ZATCA-Code-Signing
    subjectAltName = dirName:alt_names
    registeredAddress= MyAddress
  6. Save the CSR configuration file to the same location as the onboarding script, and name it csr_config.txt.

  7. In the CSR configuration file, update the emailAddress value and the following data.

    Code Description Specification
    C The country/region code. A two-letter code (ISO 3166 Alpha-2).
    OU The name of the organization unit. For normal taxpayers, the value is free text. For VAT groups, identify the value through the fact that the eleventh digit of the organization identifier is "1". Validate that the input is a 10-digit Tax Identification Number (TIN).
    O The name of the organization or taxpayer. Free text.
    CN The unique name of the solution or unit. Free text.
    SN The unique identification code for the solution. Free text.
    UID The VAT registration number of the taxpayer. A 15-digit number that begins with "3" and ends with "3".
    title The document type that the taxpayer's solution unit will issue. Four-digit numerical input that uses "0" and "1" mapped to "TSCZ": "0" = False/Not supported, and "1" = True/Supported. "T" = Tax invoice (standard), "S" = Simplified tax invoice, "C" = For future use, and "Z" = For future use.
    registeredAddress The address of the branch or location where the device or solution unit is primarily situated. Free text.
    businessCategory The industry or sector that the device or solution will generate invoices for. Free text.


    When you use the simulation portal, the values for CN and certificateTemplateName in the CSR configuration file differ.

    In the simulation portal, use the following values:

    • CN: PREZATCA-Code-Signing
    • certificateTemplateName: ASN1:PRINTABLESTRING:PREZATCA-Code-Signing

    For all other cases, use the values that were provided earlier.

  8. Run the onboarding script that's provided later in this article. Specify the OTP code and the CSR configuration file as input parameters. Here's an example.

    .\OnboardingScript.ps1 -action getComplianceCSID -otp 123345 -csrconfig .\csr_config.txt -password 123


    The password parameter is optional and can be omitted. If it's included, the certificate that's generated will have the specified password.

  9. You receive the CCSID as a certificate file, CCSID.pfx. The secret for the CCSID is saved as a text file, CCSIDSecret.txt. Save the CCSID certificate file in the Microsoft Azure Key Vault certificate, and save the secret in the Key Vault secret. For more information, see Customer certificates and secrets.

  10. Configure the related feature setup in the Saudi Arabian ZATCA compliance check (SA) Electronic invoicing feature, and reference the CCSID certificate that you saved in the key vault. The certificate will be used for communication with the ZATCA electronic invoicing portal.

Compliance check

After you obtain a CCSID by using the PowerShell script, ZATCA requires that you complete specific compliance checks by submitting sample invoices. This step is a prerequisite for requesting a PCSID.

Ensure that all types of sample invoices that you configured in the CSR configuration file are successfully submitted to ZATCA. Use the standard process for issuing electronic invoices. For more information, see Issue electronic invoices in Finance and Supply Chain Management.

Follow the steps in Electronic invoicing in Saudi Arabia - Phase two. Use the Saudi Arabian ZATCA compliance check (SA) Electronic invoicing feature and the CCSID that you obtain.

After the compliance checks are successfully completed, use the PowerShell script to obtain a PCSID. (See the onboarding script that's provided later in this article.)


If the document type in the title field of the CSR configuration file is set to 1000, you must submit the following three sample invoices for the compliance check:

  • Standard Tax Invoice
  • Standard Debit Note
  • Standard Credit Note

If the document type is set to 0100, you must submit the following three sample invoices for the compliance check:

  • Simplified Tax Invoice
  • Simplified Debit Note
  • Simplified Credit Note

If the document type is set to 1100, you must submit all six sample invoices for the compliance check.

Obtain a PCSID

To obtain a PCSID, you must correctly configure the solution for electronic invoice generation and submission, and the solution must be fully functioning. To achieve this result, you must complete all the required preliminary configuration steps. For more information, see Electronic invoicing in Saudi Arabia - Phase two.

  1. Make sure that all electronic invoices are successfully submitted to ZATCA.

  2. Run the onboarding script that's provided later in this article. Specify the CCSID as an input parameter. Here's an example.

    .\OnboardingScript.ps1 -action getProductionCSID -password 123


    The password parameter is optional and can be omitted. If it's included, the certificate that's generated will have the specified password.

  3. You receive the PCSID as a certificate file in PFX format. Save this PCSID certificate and secret file in the key vault.

  4. Configure the related feature setup in the Saudi Arabian Zatca submission (SA) Electronic invoicing feature. Include the PCSID certificate and secret in the Key Vault parameters.

After you complete all the configurations steps, the system is ready to be used in production mode.

To review the obtained CSIDs on the ZATCA side, use the Review Existing Cryptographic Stamp Identifier (CSID) tile on the landing page of the Onboarding and Management Portal. This portal is accessible from the main Saudi Arabian Taxation Portal (ERAD).

Onboarding script


The sample scripts aren't supported under any Microsoft standard support program or service. The sample scripts are provided AS IS without warranty of any kind. Microsoft further disclaims all implied warranties including, without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability or of fitness for a particular purpose. The entire risk arising out of the use or performance of the sample scripts and documentation remains with you. In no event shall Microsoft, its authors, or anyone else involved in the creation, production, or delivery of the scripts be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use of or inability to use the sample scripts or documentation, even if Microsoft has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

  1. Use the following Windows PowerShell script to obtain a CCSID and a PCSID.

    #Saudi Arabian electronic invoice onboarding script
    #Version 1.1
    param($action, $otp, $csrconfig, $password)
    $env:path = $env:path + ";C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin"
    if ($action -eq "getComplianceCSID")
        if (-not (Test-Path -Path $csrconfig))
            throw "CSR configuration file does not exist, please make sure to provide a valid file path for the '-csrconfig' parameter."
        if ($otp -eq $null)
            throw "OTP code is not provided, please carry correct parameters."
        #Generate private key
        openssl ecparam -name secp256k1 -genkey -noout -out privatekey.pem
        Write-Host "Private key generated."
        #Generate public key
        openssl ec -in privatekey.pem -pubout -conv_form compressed -out publickey.pem
        Write-Host "Public key generated."
        #Generate CSR(Certificate signing request)
        openssl base64 -d -in publickey.pem -out publickey.bin
        openssl req -new -sha256 -key privatekey.pem -extensions v3_req -config $csrconfig -out .\taxpayer.csr 
        openssl base64 -in taxpayer.csr -out taxpayerCSRbase64Encoded.txt
        $CSRbase64Encoded = Get-Content -path taxpayerCSRbase64Encoded.txt -Raw
        $CSRbase64Encoded = $CSRbase64Encoded -replace "`n",""
        $CSRbase64Encoded = $CSRbase64Encoded -replace "`r",""
        #Init request for CCSID
        $postParams = @{"csr"=$CSRbase64Encoded} | ConvertTo-Json
        $postHeader = @{
            $response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://gw-apic-gov.gazt.gov.sa/e-invoicing/core/compliance' -Method POST -Body $postParams -Headers $postHeader 
            Write-Host "`nZatca service communication error:"
            Write-Host $_.Exception.Message 
            Write-Host "Please make sure the OTP code in script parameter and Serial Number (SN) in configuration file are valid."
            Write-Host "The process of obtaining a Compliance CSID (CCSID) is interrupted."
        if ($response -ne $null)
            $response = $response | ConvertFrom-Json
            $requestId = $response.requestID
            Write-Host "Request ID:"
            Write-Host $requestId
            $requestId | Out-File -FilePath .\requestId.txt -Encoding utf8 -NoNewline
            $CCSIDbase64 = $response.binarySecurityToken
            Write-Host "`nCompliance CSID received from Zatca:"
            Write-Host $CCSIDbase64
            $CCSID = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString([System.Convert]::FromBase64String($CCSIDbase64))
            $CCSIDCertString = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----`n" + $CCSID + "`n" + "-----END CERTIFICATE-----"
            $CCSIDSecret = $response.secret
            Write-Host "`nCompliance CSID secret received from Zatca:"
            Write-Host $CCSIDSecret
            $CCSIDStringFileName = "CCSIDString.txt"
            $CCSIDSecretFileName = "CCSIDSecret.txt"
            $CCSIDCertFileName = "CCSID.pem"
            $CCSIDFolderPath = Get-Location
            $CCSIDCertFilePath = Join-Path $CCSIDFolderPath $CCSIDCertFileName
            $CCSIDStringFilePath = Join-Path $CCSIDFolderPath $CCSIDStringFileName
            $CCSIDSecretFilePath = Join-Path $CCSIDFolderPath $CCSIDSecretFileName
            $Utf8NoBomEncoding = New-Object System.Text.UTF8Encoding $False
            [System.IO.File]::WriteAllLines($CCSIDCertFilePath, $CCSIDCertString, $Utf8NoBomEncoding)
            [System.IO.File]::WriteAllLines($CCSIDStringFilePath, $CCSIDbase64, $Utf8NoBomEncoding)
            [System.IO.File]::WriteAllLines($CCSIDSecretFilePath, $CCSIDSecret, $Utf8NoBomEncoding)
            openssl pkcs12 -inkey privatekey.pem -in CCSID.pem -export -passout pass:$password -out CCSID.pfx
            Write-Host "`nCertificate is saved to CCSID.pfx file and secret is saved to CCSIDSecret.txt file."
            Write-Host "The process of obtaining a Compliance CSID (CCSID) is complete, please process the compliance check and do not delete or move any created files before getting PCSID."
    if ($action -eq "getProductionCSID")
        if (-not (Test-Path -Path requestId.txt))
            throw "'requestId.txt' file is missing, please make sure you're running the script in the same location where the results of getting the CCSID are stored."
        if (-not (Test-Path -Path CCSIDString.txt))
            throw "'CCSIDString.txt' file is missing, please make sure you're running the script in the same location where the results of getting the CCSID are stored."
        if (-not (Test-Path -Path CCSIDSecret.txt))
            throw "'CCSIDSecret.txt' file is missing, please make sure you're running the script in the same location where the results of getting the CCSID are stored."
        $requestId = Get-Content -path requestId.txt -Raw
        $requestId = $requestId -replace "`n",""
        $requestId = $requestId -replace "`r",""
        Write-Host "Request ID is:" $requestId
        $CCSID = Get-Content -path CCSIDString.txt -Raw
        $CCSID = $CCSID -replace "`n",""
        $CCSID = $CCSID -replace "`r",""
        Write-Host "`nCompliance CSID read locally:"
        Write-Host $CCSID
        $CCSIDSecretString = Get-Content -path CCSIDSecret.txt -Raw
        $CCSIDSecretString = $CCSIDSecretString -replace "`n",""
        $CCSIDSecretString = $CCSIDSecretString -replace "`r",""
        Write-Host "`nCompliance CSID secret read locally:"
        Write-Host $CCSIDSecretString
        $AuthTokenString = $CCSID + ":" + $CCSIDSecretString
        $BasicAuthToken = "Basic " + [Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($AuthTokenString))
        #Init request for Production CSID (PCSID)
        $postParams = @{"compliance_request_id"=$requestId} | ConvertTo-Json
        $postHeader = @{
            $response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://gw-apic-gov.gazt.gov.sa/e-invoicing/core/production/csids' -Method POST -Body $postParams -Headers $postHeader
            Write-Host "`nZatca service communication error:"
            Write-Host $_.Exception.Message 
            Write-Host "Please make sure the compliance check process has been done before obtaining a Production CSID (PCSID)."
            Write-Host "The process of obtaining a Production CSID (PCSID) is interrupted."
        if ($response -ne $null)
            $response = $response | ConvertFrom-Json
            $PCSIDbase64 = $response.binarySecurityToken
            Write-Host "`nProduction CSID received from Zatca:"
            Write-Host $PCSIDbase64
            $PCSID = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString([System.Convert]::FromBase64String($PCSIDbase64))
            $PCSIDCertString = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----`n" + $PCSID + "`n" + "-----END CERTIFICATE-----"
            $PCSIDSecret = $response.secret
            Write-Host "`nProduction CSID secret received from Zatca:"
            Write-Host $PCSIDSecret
            $PCSIDCertFileName = "PCSID.pem"
            $PCSIDSecretFileName = "PCSIDSecret.txt"
            $PCSIDFolderPath = Get-Location
            $PCSIDCertFilePath = Join-Path $PCSIDFolderPath $PCSIDCertFileName
            $PCSIDSecretFilePath = Join-Path $PCSIDFolderPath $PCSIDSecretFileName
            $Utf8NoBomEncoding = New-Object System.Text.UTF8Encoding $False
            [System.IO.File]::WriteAllLines($PCSIDCertFilePath, $PCSIDCertString, $Utf8NoBomEncoding)
            [System.IO.File]::WriteAllLines($PCSIDSecretFilePath, $PCSIDSecret, $Utf8NoBomEncoding)
            # Sandbox API will get error: openssl : No certificate matches private key
            openssl pkcs12 -inkey privatekey.pem -in PCSID.pem -export -passout pass:$password -out PCSID.pfx
            if (Test-Path -Path PCSID.pfx)
                Write-Host "`nCertificate is saved to PCSID.pfx file and secret is saved to PCSIDSecret.txt file."
                Write-Host "The process of obtaining a Production CSID (PCSID) is complete."
                Write-Host "`nThe process of obtaining a Production CSID (PCSID) is interrupted."
  2. Save the output .pfx certificate file that you receive in the key vault.

Additional resources