Payroll worker address
Applies to these Dynamics 365 apps:
Human Resources
This article describes the Payroll worker address entity for Dynamics 365 Human Resources.
Physical name: mshr_payrollworkeraddressentity.
This entity provides the payroll residency location and payroll work location for a given employee.
Property Physical name Type |
Use | Description |
Personnel number mshr_personnelnumber String |
Read-only | The employee's unique personnel number. |
Location ID mshr_locationidbr>String |
Read-only | The ID for the address. |
Lived in address mshr_islivedinaddressbr mshr_NoYes option set |
Read-only | A value that indicates whether the address is where the employee lives. |
Worked in address mshr_isworkedinaddressbr mshr_NoYes option set |
Read-only | A value that indicates whether the address is where the employee works. |
Country region mshr_countryregionid String |
Read-only Required |
The country or region that is defined for the address. |
Postal code mshr_zipcode String |
Read-only | The identification number that is defined for the employee. |
Street mshr_street String |
Read-only | The street that is defined for the address. |
City mshr_city String |
Read-only | The city that is defined for the address. |
State mshr_state String |
Read-only | The state or province that is defined for the address. |
County mshr_county String |
Read-only | The county that is defined for the address. |
Valid from mshr_postaladdressvalidfrom Date Time Offset |
Read-only | The date that the address is valid from. |
Valid to mshr_postaladdressvalidto Date Time Offset |
Read-only | The date that the address is valid to. |
Primary field mshr_primaryfield String |
Read-only | The primary field. |
Payroll worker address ID mshr_payrollworkeraddressentityid GUID |
System generated | A system-generated globally unique identifier (GUID) value to uniquely identify the address. |
Property value | Related entity | Navigation property | Collection type |
_mshr_fk_worker_id_value | mshr_payrollemployeeentity | mshr_FK_Worker_id | mshr_FK_PayrollEmployeeEntity_Address |
Example query
GET [Organizaton URI]/api/data/v9.1/mshr_payrollworkeraddressentities?$filter=mshr_personnelnumber eq @personnelnumber and mshr_postaladdressvalidfrom le @asofdate and mshr_postaladdressvalidto ge @asofdate&@personnelnumber='000041'&@asofdate=2021-04-01
"mshr_personnelnumber": "000041",
"mshr_locationid": "000000538",
"mshr_islivedinaddress": 200000001,
"mshr_isworkedinaddress": 200000000,
"mshr_countryregionid": "USA",
"mshr_zipcode": "99025",
"mshr_street": "6543 Cypress Ave",
"mshr_city": "Tacoma",
"mshr_state": "WA",
"mshr_county": "KING",
"mshr_postaladdressvalidfrom": "2012-09-20T20:14:27Z",
"mshr_postaladdressvalidto": "2154-12-31T23:59:59Z",
"mshr_primaryfield": "000041 | 000000538 | 9/20/2012 08:14:27 pm",
"_mshr_fk_worker_id_value": "00000d3c-0000-0000-d5ff-004105000000",
"mshr_payrollworkeraddressentityid": "000006f0-0000-0000-f90f-014105000000"