Worker entity
The functionality that's noted in this article is available as of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Human Resources version 10.0.39.
This article describes the Worker entity (PayIntV1WorkerEntity) for Dynamics 365 Human Resources.
This entity provides information about the employee. Before you use this entity, you must set the payroll integration parameters.
Property | Physical name | Type | Use |
PersonnelNumber | mserp_PersonnelNumber | String | Read-only |
PartyNumber | mserp_PartyNumber | String | Read-only |
KnownAs | mserp_KnownAs | String | Read-only |
LanguageId | mserp_LanguageId | String | Read-only |
Name | mserp_Name | String | Read-only |
NameAlias | mserp_NameAlias | String | Read-only |
PhoneticFirstName | mserp_PhoneticFirstName | String | Read-only |
PhoneticLastName | mserp_PhoneticLastName | String | Read-only |
PhoneticMiddleName | mserp_PhoneticMiddleName | String | Read-only |
PrimaryAddressLocation | mserp_PrimaryAddressLocation | Int64 | Read-only |
PrimaryContactEmail | mserp_PrimaryContactEmail | String | Read-only |
PrimaryContactEmailDescription | mserp_PrimaryContactEmailDescription | String | Read-only |
PrimaryContactEmailIsIM | mserp_PrimaryContactEmailIsIM | Enum | Read-only |
PrimaryContactEmailIsPrivate | mserp_PrimaryContactEmailIsPrivate | Enum | Read-only |
PrimaryContactEmailPurpose | mserp_PrimaryContactEmailPurpose | String | Read-only |
PrimaryContactFax | mserp_PrimaryContactFax | String | Read-only |
PrimaryContactFaxDescription | mserp_PrimaryContactFaxDescription | String | Read-only |
PrimaryContactFaxExtension | mserp_PrimaryContactFaxExtension | String | Read-only |
PrimaryContactFaxIsPrivate | mserp_PrimaryContactFaxIsPrivate | Enum | Read-only |
PrimaryContactFaxPurpose | mserp_PrimaryContactFaxPurpose | String | Read-only |
PrimaryContactPhone | mserp_PrimaryContactPhone | String | Read-only |
PrimaryContactPhoneDescription | mserp_PrimaryContactPhoneDescription | String | Read-only |
PrimaryContactPhoneExtension | mserp_PrimaryContactPhoneExtension | String | Read-only |
PrimaryContactPhoneIsMobile | mserp_PrimaryContactPhoneIsMobile | Enum | Read-only |
PrimaryContactURLPurpose | mserp_PrimaryContactURLPurpose | String | Read-only |
PrimaryContactURLIsPrivate | mserp_PrimaryContactURLIsPrivate | Enum | Read-only |
PrimaryContactURLDescription | mserp_PrimaryContactURLDescription | String | Read-only |
PrimaryContactPhonePurpose | mserp_PrimaryContactPhonePurpose | String | Read-only |
PrimaryContactPhoneIsPrivate | mserp_PrimaryContactPhoneIsPrivate | Enum | Read-only |
PrimaryContactURL | mserp_PrimaryContactURL | String | Read-only |
PrimaryContactFacebook | mserp_PrimaryContactFacebook | String | Read-only |
PrimaryContactFacebookDescription | mserp_PrimaryContactFacebookDescription | String | Read-only |
PrimaryContactFacebookIsPrivate | mserp_PrimaryContactFacebookIsPrivate | Enum | Read-only |
PrimaryContactFacebookPurpose | mserp_PrimaryContactFacebookPurpose | String | Read-only |
PrimaryContactLinkedIn | mserp_PrimaryContactLinkedIn | String | Read-only |
PrimaryContactLinkedInDescription | mserp_PrimaryContactLinkedInDescription | String | Read-only |
PrimaryContactLinkedInIsPrivate | mserp_PrimaryContactLinkedInIsPrivate | Enum | Read-only |
PrimaryContactLinkedInPurpose | mserp_PrimaryContactLinkedInPurpose | String | Read-only |
PrimaryContactTwitter | mserp_PrimaryContactTwitter | String | Read-only |
PrimaryContactTwitterPurpose | mserp_PrimaryContactTwitterPurpose | String | Read-only |
PrimaryContactTwitterIsPrivate | mserp_PrimaryContactTwitterIsPrivate | Enum | Read-only |
PrimaryContactTwitterDescription | mserp_PrimaryContactTwitterDescription | String | Read-only |
ProfessionalSuffix | mserp_ProfessionalSuffix | String | Read-only |
ProfessionalTitle | mserp_ProfessionalTitle | String | Read-only |
PersonalTitle | mserp_PersonalTitle | String | Read-only |
PersonalSuffix | mserp_PersonalSuffix | String | Read-only |
TitleId | mserp_TitleId | String | Read-only |
OriginalHireDateTime | mserp_OriginalHireDateTime | Date time offset | Read-only |
SeniorityDate | mserp_SeniorityDate | Date time offset | Read-only |
AnniversaryDateTime | mserp_AnniversaryDateTime | Date time offset | Read-only |
OfficeLocation | mserp_OfficeLocation | String | Read-only |
OfficeLocationId | mserp_OfficeLocationId | String | Read-only |
SummaryValidFrom | mserp_SummaryValidFrom | Date time offset | Read-only |
SummaryValidTo | mserp_SummaryValidTo | Date time offset | Read-only |
BirthDate | mserp_BirthDate | Date time offset | Read-only |
CitizenshipCountryRegion | mserp_CitizenshipCountryRegion | String | Read-only |
NationalityCountryRegion | mserp_NationalityCountryRegion | String | Read-only |
DeceasedDate | mserp_DeceasedDate | Date time offset | Read-only |
DisabledVerificationDate | mserp_DisabledVerificationDate | Date time offset | Read-only |
Education | mserp_Education | String | Read-only |
EthnicOriginId | mserp_EthnicOriginId | String | Read-only |
FatherBirthCountryRegion | mserp_FatherBirthCountryRegion | String | Read-only |
Gender | mserp_Gender | Enum | Read-only |
IsDisabled | mserp_IsDisabled | Enum | Read-only |
IsFulltimeStudent | mserp_IsFulltimeStudent | Enum | Read-only |
MotherBirthCountryRegion | mserp_MotherBirthCountryRegion | String | Read-only |
NativeLanguageId | mserp_NativeLanguageId | String | Read-only |
PersonBirthCountryRegion | mserp_PersonBirthCountryRegion | String | Read-only |
PersonBirthCity | mserp_PersonBirthCity | String | Read-only |
IsDisabledVeteran | mserp_IsDisabledVeteran | Enum | Read-only |
IsExpatriateRulingApplicable | mserp_IsExpatriateRulingApplicable | Enum | Read-only |
ExpatriateRulingValidFrom | mserp_ExpatriateRulingValidFrom | Date time offset | Read-only |
ExpatriateRulingValidTo | mserp_ExpatriateRulingValidTo | Date time offset | Read-only |
MaritalStatus | mserp_MaritalStatus | Enum | Read-only |
NumberOfDependents | mserp_NumberOfDependents | Int | Read-only |
MilitaryServiceStartDate | mserp_MilitaryServiceStartDate | Date time offset | Read-only |
MilitaryServiceEndDate | mserp_MilitaryServiceEndDate | Date time offset | Read-only |
VeteranStatusId | mserp_VeteranStatusId | String | Read-only |
PersonDetailsValidFrom | mserp_PersonDetailsValidFrom | Date time offset | Read-only |
PersonDetailsValidTo | mserp_PersonDetailsValidTo | Date time offset | Read-only |
AddressBooks | mserp_AddressBooks | String | Read-only |
AddressCity | mserp_AddressCity | String | Read-only |
AddressCountryRegionId | mserp_AddressCountryRegionId | String | Read-only |
AddressCountryRegionISOCode | mserp_AddressCountryRegionISOCode | String | Read-only |
AddressCounty | mserp_AddressCounty | String | Read-only |
AddressDistrictName | mserp_AddressDistrictName | String | Read-only |
AddressLocationId | mserp_AddressLocationId | String | Read-only |
AddressNameDescription | mserp_AddressNameDescription | String | Read-only |
AddressPurpose | mserp_AddressPurpose | String | Read-only |
AddressState | mserp_AddressState | String | Read-only |
AddressStreet | mserp_AddressStreet | String | Read-only |
AddressZipCode | mserp_AddressZipCode | String | Read-only |
AddressValidFrom | mserp_AddressValidFrom | Date time offset | Read-only |
AddressValidTo | mserp_AddressValidTo | Date time offset | Read-only |
FirstName | mserp_FirstName | String | Read-only |
MiddleName | mserp_MiddleName | String | Read-only |
LastNamePrefix | mserp_LastNamePrefix | String | Read-only |
LastName | mserp_LastName | String | Read-only |
PartyType | mserp_PartyType | String | Read-only |
NameSequenceDisplayAs | mserp_NameSequenceDisplayAs | String | Read-only |
ElectronicLocationId | mserp_ElectronicLocationId | String | Read-only |
WorkerType | mserp_WorkerType | Enum | Read-only |
WorkerStatus | mserp_WorkerStatus | Enum | Read-only |
AllowRehire | mserp_AllowRehire | Enum | Read-only |
WorksFromHome | mserp_WorksFromHome | Enum | Read-only |
User | mserp_User | String | Read-only |
PersonUserValidFrom | mserp_PersonUserValidFrom | Date time offset | Read-only |
PersonUserValidTo | mserp_PersonUserValidTo | Date time offset | Read-only |
IdentityEmail | mserp_IdentityEmail | String | Read-only |
ObjectId | mserp_ObjectId | GUID | Read-only |
IdentityProvider | mserp_IdentityProvider | String | Read-only |
EthnicOrigin | mserp_EthnicOrigin | Int64 | Read-only |
Location | mserp_Location | Int64 | Read-only |
NameValidFrom | mserp_NameValidFrom | Date time offset | Read-only |
NameValidTo | mserp_NameValidTo | Date time offset | Read-only |
NativeLanguage | mserp_NativeLanguage | String | Read-only |
Person | mserp_Person | Int64 | Read-only |
PrimaryContactEmailRecordId | mserp_PrimaryContactEmailRecordId | Int64 | Read-only |
PrimaryContactFacebookRecordId | mserp_PrimaryContactFacebookRecordId | Int64 | Read-only |
PrimaryContactFaxRecordId | mserp_PrimaryContactFaxRecordId | Int64 | Read-only |
PrimaryContactLinkedInRecordId | mserp_PrimaryContactLinkedInRecordId | Int64 | Read-only |
PrimaryContactPhoneRecordId | mserp_PrimaryContactPhoneRecordId | Int64 | Read-only |
PrimaryContactTwitterRecordId | mserp_PrimaryContactTwitterRecordId | Int64 | Read-only |
PrimaryContactURLRecordId | mserp_PrimaryContactURLRecordId | Int64 | Read-only |
Title | mserp_Title | Int64 | Read-only |
VeteranStatus | mserp_VeteranStatus | Int64 | Read-only |
Example query for PayIntV1WorkerEntity
Physical name: mserp_payintv1workerentities
GET [Organization URI]/api/data/v9.1/mserp_payintv1workerentities_
"mserp_personnelnumber": "000001",
"mserp_partynumber": "000000032",
"mserp_knownas": "",
"mserp_languageid": "en-us",
"mserp_name": "Jodi Christiansen",
"mserp_namealias": "Jodi Christiansen",
"mserp_phoneticfirstname": "",
"mserp_phoneticlastname": "",
"mserp_phoneticmiddlename": "",
"mserp_primarycontactemail": "<>",
"mserp_primarycontactemaildescription": "Work",
"mserp_primarycontactemailisim": 200000001,
"mserp_primarycontactemailisprivate": 200000000,
"mserp_primarycontactemailpurpose": "Home",
"mserp_primarycontactfax": "",
"mserp_primarycontactfaxdescription": "",
"mserp_primarycontactfaxextension": "",
"mserp_primarycontactfaxisprivate": 200000000,
"mserp_primarycontactfaxpurpose": "",
"mserp_primarycontactphone": "425-555-5049",
"mserp_primarycontactphonedescription": "Work",
"mserp_primarycontactphoneextension": "5049",
"mserp_primarycontactphoneismobile": 200000000,
"mserp_primarycontactphoneisprivate": 200000000,
"mserp_primarycontactphonepurpose": "Home",
"mserp_primarycontacturl": "",
"mserp_primarycontacturldescription": "",
"mserp_primarycontacturlisprivate": 200000000,
"mserp_primarycontacturlpurpose": "",
"mserp_primarycontactfacebook": "",
"mserp_primarycontactfacebookdescription": "",
"mserp_primarycontactfacebookisprivate": 200000000,
"mserp_primarycontactfacebookpurpose": "",
"mserp_primarycontactlinkedin": "",
"mserp_primarycontactlinkedindescription": "",
"mserp_primarycontactlinkedinisprivate": 200000000,
"mserp_primarycontactlinkedinpurpose": "",
"mserp_primarycontacttwitter": "",
"mserp_primarycontacttwitterpurpose": "",
"mserp_primarycontacttwitterisprivate": 200000000,
"mserp_primarycontacttwitterdescription": "",
"mserp_professionalsuffix": "",
"mserp_professionaltitle": "",
"mserp_personaltitle": "",
"mserp_personalsuffix": "",
"mserp_titleid": "Compensation & Benefits Cons.",
"mserp_senioritydate": "2006-02-01T08:00:00Z",
"mserp_officelocation": "Building B - 5049",
"mserp_officelocationid": "000000034",
"mserp_summaryvalidfrom": "2012-09-20T21:23:17Z",
"mserp_summaryvalidto": "2154-12-31T23:59:59Z",
"mserp_birthdate": "1972-03-06T00:00:00Z",
"mserp_citizenshipcountryregion": "",
"mserp_nationalitycountryregion": "",
"mserp_education": "",
"mserp_ethnicoriginid": "White",
"mserp_fatherbirthcountryregion": "",
"mserp_gender": 200000002,
"mserp_isdisabled": 200000000,
"mserp_isfulltimestudent": 200000000,
"mserp_motherbirthcountryregion": "",
"mserp_nativelanguageid": "English",
"mserp_personbirthcountryregion": "",
"mserp_personbirthcity": "",
"mserp_isdisabledveteran": 200000000,
"mserp_isexpatriaterulingapplicable": 200000000,
"mserp_maritalstatus": 200000001,
"mserp_numberofdependents": 2,
"mserp_veteranstatusid": "",
"mserp_persondetailsvalidfrom": "2012-09-11T20:09:56Z",
"mserp_persondetailsvalidto": "2154-12-31T23:59:59Z",
"mserp_addressbooks": "",
"mserp_addresscity": "Bellevue",
"mserp_addresscountryregionid": "USA",
"mserp_addresscountryregionisocode": "US",
"mserp_addresscounty": "KING",
"mserp_addressdistrictname": "",
"mserp_addresslocationid": "000000594",
"mserp_addressnamedescription": "Home address",
"mserp_addresspurpose": "Home",
"mserp_addressstate": "WA",
"mserp_addressstreet": "3219 Oak St",
"mserp_addresszipcode": "98107",
"mserp_addressvalidfrom": "2012-09-20T21:23:11Z",
"mserp_addressvalidto": "2154-12-31T23:59:59Z",
"mserp_firstname": "Jodi",
"mserp_middlename": "",
"mserp_lastnameprefix": "",
"mserp_lastname": "Christiansen",
"mserp_partytype": "Person",
"mserp_namesequencedisplayas": "FirstMiddleLast",
"mserp_electroniclocationid": "000000042",
"mserp_workertype": 200000001,
"mserp_workerstatus": 200000001,
"mserp_allowrehire": 200000000,
"mserp_worksfromhome": 200000000,
"mserp_user": "JODI",
"mserp_personuservalidfrom": "2013-03-10T18:17:42Z",
"mserp_personuservalidto": "2154-12-31T23:59:59Z",
"mserp_identityemail": "<>",
"mserp_identityprovider": "<>",
"mserp_objectid": "4545ac9b-a78d-4721-b626-f0f700517eab",
"mserp_namevalidto": "2154-12-31T23:59:59Z",
"mserp_militaryserviceenddate": null,
"mserp_anniversarydatetime": null,
"mserp_expatriaterulingvalidto": null,
"mserp_militaryservicestartdate": null,
"mserp_deceaseddate": null,
"mserp_disabledverificationdate": null,
"mserp_expatriaterulingvalidfrom": null,
"versionnumber": null,
"mserp_namevalidfrom": null,
"mserp_originalhiredatetime": null