Configure the Dynamics 365 Marketing app for Patient outreach
Applies to: Patient outreach
Patient outreach is a patient campaign management application that helps organize and automate marketing and outreach to patients. Healthcare providers can communicate with their communities and patients in a targeted, efficient way. After you deploy the Patient outreach app, you need to update the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Marketing data configuration setting. This will configure the custom healthcare solution for use in Patient outreach.
Update configuration settings for Marketing data
Sign in to Microsoft Power Apps.
Select Apps.
Open the Marketing model-driven app.
Navigate to Settings, and then select Marketing data configuration.
In Marketing Settings, select the checkbox for Condition (msemr_condition).
Scroll down and select the checkbox for Procedure (msemr_procedure).
Scroll up and select Publish Changes.
You will see a message similar to what is shown below, that states your settings have been saved. It might take up to half an hour for the new settings to take effect.
See also
What is Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare?
Patient outreach: Reach out to patients for personalized care