Basic operations on segments using API in outbound marketing


Dynamics 365 Marketing and Dynamics 365 Customer Insights are now Customer Insights - Journeys and Customer Insights - Data. For more information, see Dynamics 365 Customer Insights FAQs

New Customer Insights - Journeys customers receive real-time journeys features only. For more information, see Default real-time journeys installation.


This article only applies to outbound marketing, which will be removed from the product on June 30, 2025. To avoid interruptions, transition to real-time journeys before this date. More information: Transition overview

A market segment is the collection of contacts that you target in a marketing campaign. In some cases, you'll target all the contacts you have, but in most cases, you'll choose whom you want to target based on demographic or firmographic data and other considerations. More information: Working with segments.

The Segmentation API enables programmatic interaction with segment records. The Segmentation API leverages the standard Microsoft Dataverse Web API for manipulating entities or messages. More information: Use the Microsoft Dataverse Web API. When you create a segment, the properties of the segment are stored in the msdyncrm_segment entity. You can browse the entity metadata information using @odata.context in the GET response.


Before you perform operations, you should install Dynamics 365 Customer Insights - Journeys.

This topic demonstrates how to perform basic operations on msdyncrm_segment entity. Pass the following mandatory fields to create a segment.

Display name Schema name Value Required
Name msdyncrm_segmentname Name of the segment. Yes.
Segment Type msdyncrm_segmenttype Type of segment. There are 3 types of segments:
- Static 192350001
- Dynamic 192350000
- Compound 192350002
Status Reason statuscode Current status of the segment. Following are the available status codes:
- Draft 192350000
- Live 192350001
- Stopped 192350002
- GoingLive 192350006
- Stopping 192350007
Segment Query msdyncrm_query Query in the segmentation query. Yes (only for dynamic and compound segments).

CRUD operations on static segments

This section shows how to perform basic CRUD (create, update, retrieve, and delete) operations on static segments.

Create request

This request creates a new static segment with two contacts and statuscode set to Draft. The response header contains the URL to this newly created record (entity instance), which parenthetically includes the unique ID (segmentID) for this record.


You need to replace OrgUrl with https://<add your environment name, like ‘myorg.crm’> You can also get the environment name from Settings -> Customizations -> Developer Resources.

POST {{OrgUrl}}/api/data/v9.0/msdyncrm_segments
  "msdyncrm_segmentname": "StaticSegmentApi1",
  "msdyncrm_segmenttype": 192350001,
  "msdyncrm_segmentmemberids": "[\"crm1405f4ba-1ee9-e811-a99d-000d3a35f12f\",\"crm0604cdd1-1ee9-e811-a99d-000d3a35f12f\"]",
  "statuscode": 192350000


The purpose of the crm prefix is to indicate the record identifier type unambiguously. This is required when you are using a legacy segmentation solution, which, by default, uses a different type of identifier.

Update request

With the update request, you update the statuscode of the static segment to Going Live (192350006). When the request is executed, it updates statuscode to Live.

PATCH {{OrgUrl}}/api/data/v9.0/msdyncrm_segments({{SegmentId}})
  "statuscode": 192350006

Retrieve request

With the retrieve request, you retrieve all the static segments that are in the Live state.

GET {{OrgUrl}}/api/data/v9.0/msdyncrm_segments?$filter=statuscode eq 192350001

You can also retrieve segments with specific properties.

GET {{OrgUrl}}/api/data/v9.0/msdyncrm_segments?$select=msdyncrm_segmentid,msdyncrm_segmentname,msdyncrm_segmentquery,msdyncrm_description

Delete request

With the delete request, you delete the created static segment.

DELETE {{OrgUrl}}/api/data/v9.0/msdyncrm_segments({{SegmentId}})

CRUD operations on dynamic segments

This section shows how to perform basic CRUD (create, update, retrieve, and delete) operations on dynamic segments. Dynamic segments are based on the segment query (msdyncrm_segmentquery). More information: Segment query definition.

Create request

This request creates a dynamic segment and sets statuscode to Draft.

POST {{OrgUrl}}/api/data/v9.0/msdyncrm_segments
    "msdyncrm_segmentname": "Customers with name and email",
    "msdyncrm_segmentquery": "PROFILE(contact, contact_1).FILTER(ISNOTNULL(contact_1.emailaddress1) && ISNOTNULL(contact_1.fullname))",
    "msdyncrm_segmenttype": 192350000,
    "statuscode": 192350000

The following request creates a dynamic segment with a conditional segment query to retrieve only contacts that have the address1_city field set to NewYork or NewJersey.

POST {{OrgUrl}}/api/data/v9.0/msdyncrm_segments
    "msdyncrm_segmentname": "MySegment2",
    "msdyncrm_segmentquery": "PROFILE(contact).FILTER((address1_city == 'NewYork' || address1_city == 'NewJersey'))",
    "msdyncrm_segmenttype": 192350000,
    "statuscode": 192350006

The following request creates a new dynamic segment and sets statuscode to Going Live.

POST api/data/v9.0/msdyncrm_segments

  "msdyncrm_segmentname": "Customers with name and email",
  "msdyncrm_segmenttype": 192350000,
  "msdyncrm_segmentquery": "PROFILE(contact, contact_1).FILTER(ISNOTNULL(contact_1.emailaddress1) && ISNOTNULL(contact_1.fullname))",
  "statuscode": 192350006

Update request

With the update request, you update the status of the dynamic segment to Going Live.

PATCH {{OrgUrl}}/api/data/v9.0/msdyncrm_segments({{SegmentId}})
    "statuscode": 192350006


It is recommended not to move the segments directly to Live state.

Retrieve request

With the retrieve request, you retrieve all the dynamic segments that are in the Stop state.

GET {{OrgUrl}}/api/data/v9.0/msdyncrm_segments?$filter=statuscode eq 192350002

Delete request

With the delete request, you delete the dynamic segment that is created.

DELETE {{OrgUrl}}/api/data/v9.0/msdyncrm_segments({{SegmentId}})

CRUD operations on compound segments

This section shows how to perform basic CRUD (create, update, retrieve, and delete) operations on compound segments.

Create request

This request creates a compound segment and sets statuscode to Going Live.

POST {{OrgUrl}}/api/data/v9.0/msdyncrm_segments
    "msdyncrm_segmentname": "my_compound_segment1",
    "msdyncrm_segmenttype": 192350002,
    "msdyncrm_query":"SEGMENT(segment1) UNION SEGMENT(segment2)",
    "statuscode": 192350006

Update request

With the update request, you update the status of the compound segment to Stopping.

PATCH {{OrgUrl}}/api/data/v9.0/msdyncrm_segments({{SegmentId}})
    "statuscode": 192350007


It is recommended not to move the segments directly to Stopped state.

Retrieve request

With the retrieve request, you retrieve all the compound segments that are in the Stop state.

GET {{OrgUrl}}/api/data/v9.0/msdyncrm_segments?$filter=statuscode eq 192350002

Delete request

With the delete request, you delete the compound segment that is created.

DELETE {{OrgUrl}}/api/data/v9.0/msdyncrm_segments({{SegmentId}})

Add/Remove contacts to static segments

Segment members can be added to or removed from static segments of contacts. You can add/remove contacts either by providing a query definition, or by providing specific contact IDs.

Some of the important aspects that need to be considered while performing add/remove operations on segment members:

  • Only instances of entity type Contact can be added/removed as members.
  • If provided contact IDs do not exist, they are ignored.
  • Add/remove member requests are processed asynchronously.
  • If using business unit scoping, adding a contact that the segment owner does not have (business unit) access to will hang the segment (make it unusable), so ensure that you don't add contacts from the wrong business unit in your code.
  • You can add/remove contacts by invoking the endpoint multiple times, usually in batches of up to 20.000 contacts each time.

Add segment members by providing IDs

POST {{OrgUrl}}/api/data/v9.0/msdyncrm_SegmentMembersUpdate
   "msdyncrm_segmentid": "59AC8BBF-57E7-E811-A9A9-000D3A35F403",
   "msdyncrm_operation": "addByIds",
   "msdyncrm_memberids": "[\"B5672BDB-8899-43CB-9FA1-0AE4DC61DAD3\", \"694E1C8E-F704-4B23-9B07-E65DB1620E47\", \"A4A31E3D-DFCA-4765-8018-3BA7D5E376C7\"]"

Remove segment members by providing IDs

POST {{OrgUrl}}/api/data/v9.0/msdyncrm_SegmentMembersUpdate
   "msdyncrm_segmentid": "59AC8BBF-57E7-E811-A9A9-000D3A35F403",
   "msdyncrm_operation": "removeByIds",
   "msdyncrm_memberids": "[\"B5672BDB-8899-43CB-9FA1-0AE4DC61DAD3\", \"694E1C8E-F704-4B23-9B07-E65DB1620E47\", \"A4A31E3D-DFCA-4765-8018-3BA7D5E376C7\"]"

Add segment members by providing a query

POST {{OrgUrl}}/api/data/v9.0/msdyncrm_SegmentMembersUpdate
    "msdyncrm_segmentid": "b5466fbb-2cef-e911-a81d-000d3a6d200c",
    "msdyncrm_operation": "addByQuery",
    "msdyncrm_query": "PROFILE(account, account_1).FILTER(account_1.accountid == '1cc00a15-37ef-e911-a81d-000d3a6d200c').TRAVERSE(contact_account_parentcustomerid, contact_1).FILTER(ISNOTNULL(contact_1.emailaddress1))"

Remove segment members by providing a query

POST {{OrgUrl}}/api/data/v9.0/msdyncrm_SegmentMembersUpdate
    "msdyncrm_segmentid": "b5466fbb-2cef-e911-a81d-000d3a6d200c",
    "msdyncrm_operation": "removeByQuery",
    "msdyncrm_query": "PROFILE(account, account_1).FILTER(account_1.accountid == '1cc00a15-37ef-e911-a81d-000d3a6d200c').TRAVERSE(contact_account_parentcustomerid, contact_1).FILTER(ISNOTNULL(contact_1.emailaddress1))"

Get status of pending operations

POST {{OrgUrl}}/api/data/v9.0/msdyncrm_SegmentMembersUpdate

Retrieve segment members (recommended)

POST {{OrgUrl}}/api/data/v9.0/msdyncrm_FetchContactsByQuery
    "Query":"(SEGMENT(SEGMENT_CRM_ID_e1fa7fdc5c78ea11a811000d3a8e8fcc)).ORDERBY(fullname ASC).SKIP(0).TAKE(15).SELECT(contactid)",
    "FetchXml":"<fetch version=\"1.0\" output-format=\"xml-platform\" mapping=\"logical\" count=\"15\" page=\"1\" returntotalrecordcount=\"true\"><entity name=\"contact\"><attribute name=\"fullname\"/><attribute name=\"emailaddress1\"/><attribute name=\"company\"/><attribute name=\"parentcustomerid\"/><attribute name=\"contactid\"/><order attribute=\"fullname\" descending=\"false\"/></entity></fetch>","OwningBusinessUnit":"0b4b85cc-7f6c-ea11-a811-000d3a54d359",


On the example above, replace SEGMENT_CRM_ID_ce97cb9dbd75ea11a811000d3a8e8fcc with the name of your segment in the backend, as it is in the msdyncrm_segmentqueryname field of your segment. If your segment has id ce97cb9d-bd75-ea11-a811-000d3a8e8fcc, that value will be SEGMENT_CRM_ID_ce97cb9dbd75ea11a811000d3a8e8fcc.

Retrieve segment members (deprecated)

GET {{OrgUrl}}/api/data/v9.0/contacts?fetchXml=fetch version="1.0" output-format="xml-platform" mapping="logical" returntotalrecordcount="true" page="1" count="5" no-lock="false">
    <entity name="contact">
        <attribute name="fullname"/>
        <attribute name="contactid"/>
        <order attribute="fullname" descending="false"/>
        <link-entity name="msdyncrm_segment" from="msdyncrm_segmentid" to="msdyncrm_segmentmemberid" alias="bb">
            <filter type="and">
                <condition attribute="msdyncrm_segmentid" operator="eq" uitype="msdyncrm_segment" value="bfc9d5d6-d6aa-e911-a859-000d3a3159df"/>

Validating segments

Before you create or modify a segment, you can verify the new definition using a dedicated validation endpoint. The endpoint always returns an HTTP status OK message and an object with a property ValidationResult holding an array of errors.

If there is a valid definition, the result array shows empty. Otherwise, it contains records for the identified issues. Segment definition is validated on the creation of the record, and the status code set to Going Live.

Validation is intentionally skipped when a segment is created in Draft state. Also failed validation results in HTTP 400 with an error message in the response body.

Validating a valid segment definition

POST {{OrgUrl}}/api/data/v9.0/msdyncrm_ValidateSegment


    "ValidationResult": "[]"

Validating an invalid segment definition

POST {{OrgUrl}}/api/data/v9.0/msdyncrm_ValidateSegment


    "ValidationResult": "[{\"ErrorCode\":\"SegmentDciValidator_SegmentInvalid\",\"FieldName\":\"msdyncrm_query\"}]"