Create a Customer Insights - Journeys segment using the Web API

You can create a Customer Insights - Journeys segment using the Web API following the same approach you would to create any entity in a Power App. When creating a Customer Insights - Journeys segment, you need to create two entities: msdynmkt_segmentdefinitions and msdynmkt_segments. The following article shows how to create these entities.

Create a segment definition entity

The segment definition represents a marketing segment or list of target customers. To create a segment definition entity, you need to send a POST request to the API endpoint:

POST <Organization URL>/api/data/v9.0/msdynmkt_segmentdefinitions

The <Organization URL> part should be replaced with the actual URL of the organization's API endpoint and <SegmentDefinitionID> should be replaced with the unique identifier of the segment definition that you want to update.


    msdynmkt_segmentquery: string,
    statecode: StateCode,
    statuscode: SegmentDefinitionStatusCode,
    msdynmkt_includedmembers: string,
    msdynmkt_excludedmembers: string,
    msdynmkt_disablesegmentrefresh: boolean,
    msdynmkt_segmentrefreshintervalminutes: number


The payload contains the following properties:

  • msdynmkt_segmentquery: A string that defines the query used to define the segment.
  • statecode: An integer value that indicates the state of the segment definition. The value can be one of the following:
    • 0 = Active
    • 1 = Inactive
  • statuscode: An integer value that indicates the status of the segment definition. The value can be one of the following:
    • 723270000 = Live
    • 723270001 = Draft
    • 723270002 = Going live
    • 723270003 = Deleted
  • msdynmkt_includedmembers: A string that contains a list of GUIDs of members that should be included in the segment.
  • msdynmkt_excludedmembers: A string that contains a list of GUIDs of members that should be excluded from the segment.
  • msdynmkt_disablesegmentrefresh: A boolean value that indicates whether automatic segment refreshing should be disabled.
  • msdynmkt_segmentrefreshintervalminutes: An integer value that specifies the refresh interval in minutes.

Example request

POST <Organization URL>/api/data/v9.0/msdynmkt_segmentdefinitions HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
OData-MaxVersion: 4.0
OData-Version: 4.0
Accept: application/json

    "msdynmkt_segmentquery": "PROFILE(contact).FILTER(ISNOTNULL(address1_county))",
    "statecode": 0,
    "statuscode": 723270001,
    // Separate GUIDs by a comma
    "msdynmkt_includedmembers": "<member GUID>",
    // Separate GUIDs by a comma
    "msdynmkt_excludedmembers": "<member GUID>",
    "msdynmkt_disablesegmentrefresh": false,
    "msdynmkt_segmentrefreshintervalminutes": 15

Response headers

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
OData-Version: 4.0
OData-EntityId: <Organization URL>/api/data/v9.0/msdynmkt_segmentdefinitions(<Segment definition ID>)

After you create the segment definition, you'll need to create the segment entity which will add details linked to the segment definition.

Create a segment entity

Next, you need to create a new segment entity record. When you send the segment entity POST request to the Dynamics 365 Customer Insights - Journeys API, it will create a new segment entity record in the specified organization, with the specified properties. The newly created segment can then be used for targeting and personalizing marketing activities based on the defined criteria.

POST <Organization URL>/api/data/v9.0/msdynmkt_segments

The URL for the POST request is <Organization URL>/api/data/v9.0/msdynmkt_segments. The <Organization URL> is the base URL for the Customer Insights - Journeys organization where the segment entity will be created.


    "msdynmkt_displayname": string,
    "msdynmkt_type": number,
    "msdynmkt_source": number,
    "msdynmkt_baseentitylogicalname": string,
    "statecode": number,
    "statuscode": number,
    "msdynmkt_sourcesegmentuid": string,
    "owningbusinessunit@odata.bind": string


The properties included in the payload are:

  • msdynmkt_displayname: A string that represents the name of the segment.
  • msdynmkt_type: An integer that represents the type of the segment. The value can be one of the following:
    • 10 = Static segment
    • 11 = Dynamic segment
  • msdynmkt_source: An integer that represents the source of the segment. For Customer Insights - Journeys, the value should be the follow:
    • 12: Customer Insights - Journeys
  • msdynmkt_baseentitylogicalname: A string that represents the type of member who will be in the segment.
  • statecode: An integer that indicates the current status of the segment. The value can be one of the following:
    • 0 = Active
    • 1 = Inactive
  • statuscode: An integer that indicates the reason why the segment is in its current state. The value can be one of the following:
    • 1 = Active
    • 2 = Inactive (if the segment definition is in Draft state)
    • 3 = Error
    • 4 = Deleted
    • 5 = Exporting (if the segment definition is in Publishing state)
  • msdynmkt_sourcesegmentuid: A string that represents the unique identifier of the segment that the current segment is based on.
  • owningbusinessunit@odata.bind: (Optional) A string that represents the reference to the business unit that owns the segment.

Example request

POST <Organization URL>/api/data/v9.0/msdynmkt_segments HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
OData-MaxVersion: 4.0
OData-Version: 4.0
Accept: application/json

    "msdynmkt_displayname": "<display name>",
    "msdynmkt_type": 11,
    "msdynmkt_source": 12,
    // Set to contact, lead, or any custom table that
    // represents the type of member who will be in the segment.
    "msdynmkt_baseentitylogicalname": "contact",
    "statecode": 1,
    // Inactive if segment definition is in Draft state
    // Exporting if segment definition is in Publishing state
    "statuscode": 2,
    "msdynmkt_sourcesegmentuid": "<segment definition ID>",
    // If any (not required)
    "owningbusinessunit@odata.bind": "/businessunits(<BU ID>)",


As of the publish date of this article, Customer Insights - Journeys only supports contacts and leads.


HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
OData-Version: 4.0
OData-EntityId: <Organization URL>/api/data/v9.0/msdynmkt_segments(<Segment ID>)


This is an API request to publish a marketing segment definition in Customer Insights - Journeys.

POST <Organization URL>/api/data/v9.0/msdynmkt_PublishSegmentDefinition

The API request is sent via HTTP POST to the API endpoint. The API method (msdynmkt_PublishSegmentDefinition) is specified in the URL.


    "SegmentId": "<Segment ID>"


The request payload contains a JSON object that includes the "SegmentId" field. You need to replace <Segment ID> with the actual ID of the marketing segment that you want to publish.

When this request is sent to the Customer Insights - Journeys server, it will validate the payload and publish the specified segment definition if it is valid. This will make the segment available for use in marketing activities such as customer journeys, email campaigns, and events.

View members

This API request is used to view the members of a marketing segment in Customer Insights - Journeys.

POST: <Organizaiton URL>/api/data/v9.0/msdynmkt_MembersList

The API request is sent via HTTP POST to the API endpoint. The API method (msdynmkt_MembersList) is specified in the URL.


    "SegmentId": "<Segment ID>"


The request payload contains a JSON object with the ID of the segment that you want to view the members for. You need to replace <Organization URL> with the actual URL of your Customer Insights - Journeys organization, and <Segment ID> with the ID of the segment that you want to view members for.

When the API request is received, it validates the payload and return a response containing the list of members for the specified segment definition. This API is useful to get insights into the composition of a segment and to troubleshoot any issues related to the segment membership.

The response to the API request will include a JSON object containing the list of members along with their details.


    "@odata.context": "<Organizaiton URL>/api/data/v9.0/$metadata#Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.msdynmkt_MembersListResponse",
    "StatusCode": 200,
    "ResultText": "{\"baseEntityLogicalName\":\"contact\",\"primaryKeyColumnName\":\"contactid\",\"members\":[\"<member GUID>, <member GUID>"],\"additionalProperties\":{}}"