Subcontract lines for time

Applies To: Project Operations for resource/non-stocked based scenarios, Lite deployment - deal to proforma invoicing

A subcontract in Dynamics 365 Project Operations can have a subcontract line for time. Subcontract lines for time allow a Project Manager to buy vendor resource time to staff project tasks and resource requirements.

To create a subcontract line for time in Project Operations, complete the following steps.

  1. In the navigation pane, select Subcontracts and open a subcontract.
  2. On the Subcontract Lines tab, select New to create a new subcontract line.
  3. On the Quick Create page, in the Transaction Class field, select Time.
  4. Enter the remaining field information and then select Save.

The following table provides information about the fields on the Subcontract line page and the Quick Create page.

Field Description Functional impact
Name Name of the subcontract line to help with identification. This will be shown as the first column in all lookups based on subcontract lines.
Description A brief description of services that are being purchased on the subcontract line. None
Line Type This field has a default value of Quantity-based. None
Billing Method This is an option set that represents the two main contracting models supported by Project Operations: Fixed Price and Time and Material. Based on the billing method selected, a milestone-based invoice schedule is made available for subcontract lines with the Fixed Price billing method.
Transaction Class The default value is Time. This indicates that the subcontract line is being used to record a purchase of subcontractor time.
Role Select the role of the subcontract resources whose time is being purchased. Role performed by the subcontract resources determines the cost of the purchase.
Requested Start Enter the date when the subcontractor resources are required to start working. This is used to pick a project price list from the project price lists attached to the subcontract. The cost of the role on the subcontract line comes from that price list.
Requested End Enter the date when the subcontractor resource's assignment ends. This will be used to show warnings when a project manager is drawing from the capacity for resource requirements occurring after this date.
Quantity Ordered Enter the number of hours of the role being purchased from the vendor. This will be used to show warnings when a project manager is over-drawing from this capacity for resource requirements.
Unit Group The default value is Time unit group, which can't be changed. None
Unit The default for this field is the base unit of hours from the Time unit group. You can change this value to buy any unit of the Time unit group, such as day or week. The combination of Role and Unit will be used as the default or computed for the unit price for the subcontract line.
Unit Price The default unit price uses the combination of Role and Unit from the project price list applicable for the Requested Start date of the subcontract line. When the applicable project price list has the price set up in a different unit than the unit on the subcontract line, the system uses the unit conversion to calculate the per unit price.
Subtotal This is a read-only field that is calculated as Quantity x Unit price, if both the quantity and unit price values are entered. If either quantity, unit price, or both are blank, you can enter a value in the field. None
Sales Tax Enter the sales tax amount. None
Total Amount The total amount of the subcontract line including taxes. This field is calculated as Subtotal + Sales tax. None


Fixed Price subcontracts are currently not supported for resource/non-stocked based scenarios in Project Operations.