What's new June 2024 - Project Operations Lite deployment

Applies To: Lite deployment - deal to proforma invoicing.

This article applies to the following components and versions of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Project Operations:

  • Project Operations in a Microsoft Dataverse environment version

Features included in this release

No new features are included in this release for the lite deployment.

Quality updates

Project Operations on Dataverse

Feature Area Reference No. Quality Update
Project Planning and Tracking 3544700 Project Save fails and you see the "The action on an assignment failed because it tried to update a nonexisting assignment." error when more than 5,000 assignments are updated or deleted.
Billing and Pricing 3698404 Price List Validations fail when creating Quote from opportunity.
Billing and Pricing 3714531 Actuals grid not calculating currency exchange rate properly.
Billing and Pricing 3734257 Use Transaction Date (Time zone independent) field instead of Document date during invoice creation.
Project Planning and Tracking 3739067 [PM defined project duration] Schedule API hardcodes 8 hours/day for duration field.
Sales 3740721 Estimated Cost Fields on the project can be updated manually via flow or API.
Project Planning and Tracking 3795066 Online: In GCC, users with a G3 or G5 license can't go to the Project App (they see a license error) and on the Project view, the left-hand nav is missing.
Approvals 3807887 Create new approval sets when reapproving entries with failed approval sets.
Time Management 3843424 Time entry of type Absence was created on the day before.
Billing and Pricing 3877772 Recalculate Totals silently fail when there are more than 50,000 records.
Project Planning and Tracking 3880154 Time out due to long running RefreshTeam request, while assigning a resource to multiple tasks.
Project Management 3887432 Online: PfW Risks form contains several duplicated fields (Project, Description, Mitigation Plan & Contingency Plan).
Sales 3905161 Error on project form if the new estimates tab was customized.
Resource Management 3933397 Task Wise score null for Availability Factor.
Billing and Pricing 3944356 Price records are being copied twice when closing a quote as won.
Approvals 4097112 Failed Approvals View shows processing approvals.