Revise (correct) project invoices

Applies To: Lite deployment - deal to proforma invoicing, Project Operations for resource/non-stocked based scenarios

A confirmed project invoice can be revised to process changes or credits as negotiated with the customer and project manager.

To make edits to a confirmed invoice, open the confirmed invoice and select Revise (previously referred to as Correct this invoice).


Beginning UR 37, the invoice revision process has been significantly improved to include the Select transactions capability so you can perform edits quickly and process invoice corrections in lesser duration. This also helps improve performance of invoice corrections when dealing with large invoices with hundreds or thousands of invoice line details, but requiring to correct only a few of those transactions.

Depending on the need for correction, users can choose between 2 options - Select transactions to revise selected transactions or Select all transactions to revise the entire invoice.

  1. Select transactions – Use this option to revise specific transactions on the confirmed invoice.

    • Selecting this option opens a dialog with a list of previously invoiced transactions categorized by transaction types of Time and Material, Milestones, and Advances and Retainers.
    • Select the invoice line details for revision by setting the Revise toggle to Yes.
    • Select the Create invoice ribbon option to create a new revised invoice with the selected transactions.
    • Select the Add to invoice ribbon option to append the selected transactions for revision to an existing draft invoice for the same project contract and project contract customer.
  2. Select all transactions – Use this option to revise all the transactions on the confirmed invoice.


The invoice correction form is not customizable. The correction form is only valid for invoices that are confirmed or paid. Invoices with custom status are not supported.

Revised invoice

A new draft invoice is created from the confirmed invoice.

  • If Select transactions was used, the selected invoice line details from the previously confirmed invoice are copied to the new draft.
  • If Select all transactions was used, all invoice line details from the previously confirmed invoice are copied to the new draft.
  • In either case, the invoice header is updated to reflect the total amount on the invoice after correction.

The following are some of the key points to understand about the line details on the new corrected invoice:

  • All quantities are updated to zero. Dynamics 365 Project Operations assumes that all invoiced items are fully credited. If needed, you can manually update these quantities to reflect the quantity that is being invoiced, and not the quantity that is being credited. Based on the quantity you enter, the application calculates the credited quantity. This amount is reflected in the actuals that are created when the corrected invoice is confirmed. If you're making changes to the tax amount, you must enter the correct tax amount and not the tax amount that is being credited.
  • Milestone corrections are always processed as full credits.
  • Product based lines corrections cannot be corrected using the revise option but instead can be adjusted manually using journals.


To use the Revise feature with the Select transactions capability, turn on the Invoice revision updates feature at Settings > Parameters > Feature control > Invoice Revision updates.


For invoice line details that are corrections to other already invoiced charges, the Correction field is set to Yes. For invoices that have corrected invoice line details, the Has corrections field is set to Yes.

Actuals created when a corrective invoice is confirmed

The following table lists the actuals that are created when a corrective invoice is confirmed.


Actuals created on confirmation

Invoicing the full credit of a previously invoiced time transaction.

A billed sales reversal for the hours and amount on the original invoice line detail for time.

A new unbilled sales actual for the hours and amount on the original invoice line detail for time.

Invoicing the partial credit on a time transaction.

A billed sales reversal for the hours and amount invoiced on the original invoice line detail for time.

A new unbilled sales actual that is chargeable for the hours and amount on the edited invoice line detail, a reversal of this, and an equivalent billed sales actual.

A new unbilled sales actual that is chargeable for the remaining hours and amount after deducting the corrected figures on the invoice line detail.

Invoicing the full credit of a previously invoiced expense transaction.

A billed sales reversal for the quantity and amount on the original invoice line detail for the expense.

A new unbilled sales actual for the quantity and amount on the original invoice line detail for the expense.

Invoicing the partial credit of a previously invoiced expense transaction.

A billed sales reversal for the quantity and amount invoiced on the original invoice line detail for an expense.

A new unbilled sales actual that is chargeable for the quantity and amount on the corrected invoice line detail, a reversal of this, and an equivalent billed sales actual.

A new unbilled sales actual that is chargeable for the remaining quantity and amount after deducting the corrected figures on the invoice line detail.

Invoicing the full credit of a previously invoiced material transaction.

A billed sales reversal for the quantity and amount on the original invoice line detail for material.

A new unbilled sales actual for the quantity and amount on the original invoice line detail for material.

Invoicing the partial credit on a material transaction.

A billed sales reversal for the quantity and amount invoiced on the original invoice line detail for material.

A new unbilled sales actual that is chargeable for the quantity and amount on the edited invoice line detail, a reversal of this, and an equivalent billed sales actual.

A new unbilled sales actual that is chargeable for the remaining quantity and amount after deducting the corrected figures on the invoice line detail.

Invoicing the full credit of a previously invoiced fee transaction.

A billed sales reversal for the quantity and amount on the original invoice line detail for the fee.

A new unbilled sales actual for the quantity and amount on the original invoice line detail for the fee.

Invoicing the partial credit of a previously invoiced fee transaction.

A billed sales reversal for the quantity and amount invoiced on the original invoice line detail for fee.

A new unbilled sales actual that is chargeable for the quantity and amount on the edited corrective invoice line detail, a reversal of this, and an equivalent billed sales actual.

Invoicing the full credit of a previously invoiced milestone.

A billed sales reversal for the amount on the original invoice line detail for the milestone.

The invoice status of the milestone is updated from Customer Invoice Posted to Ready to Invoice.

Invoicing the partial credit of a previously invoiced milestone.

This scenario isn't supported.