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Develop project templates with Copy Project

Applies To: Project Operations for resource/non-stocked based scenarios, Lite deployment - deal to proforma invoicing.

Dynamics 365 Project Operations supports the ability to copy a project and revert any assignments back to the generic resources that represent the role. Customers can use this functionality to build basic project templates.

When you select Copy Project, the status of the target project is updated. Use Status Reason to determine when the copy action is complete. Selecting Copy Project also updates the start date of the project to the current start date if no target date is detected in the target project entity.

To add more columns to copy from the Project entity, add those columns to the Copy Project Columns view on the Project entity, and then run the CopyProjectEntityAttributesRequest API via a plugin or flow. This API copies the data in the columns in the Copy Project Columns view from the specified source project to the target project. This API must be called separately from the CopyProjectV3 or V4 API call.

To add more columns to copy from the Project Task entities, add those columns to the Copy Project Task Columns view on the Project Task table to ensure columns are copied to the new Project Tasks when CopyProjectV3 or V4 are called.

Copy Project v3 custom action



Input parameters

There are three input parameters:

  • ReplaceNamedResources or ClearTeamsAndAssignments – Set only one of the options. Don't set both.

    • {"ReplaceNamedResources":true} – The default behavior for Project Operations. Any named resources are replaced with generic resources. The only exception is assignments to the Project Manager on the source project are assigned to the Project Manager of the target project (a named resource is required, and not a generic resource).
    • {"ClearTeamsAndAssignments":true} – The default behavior for Project for the Web. All assignments and team members are removed.
  • SourceProject – The entity reference of the source project to copy from. This parameter can't be null.

  • Target – The entity reference of the target project to copy to. This parameter can't be null.

The following table provides a summary of the three parameters.

Parameter Type Value
ReplaceNamedResources Boolean True or False
ClearTeamsAndAssignments Boolean True or False
SourceProject Entity Reference The source project
Target Entity Reference The target project

For more defaults on actions, see Use Web API actions.


The following validations are done.

  1. Null checks and retrieves the source and target projects to confirm the existence of both projects in the organization.

  2. The system validates that the target project is valid for copying by verifying the following conditions:

    • There isn't previous activity on the project (including selection of the Tasks tab), and the project is newly created.
    • There isn't a previous copy, no import was requested on this project, and the project doesn't have a Failed status.
  3. The operation isn't called by using HTTP.

Copy Project v4 custom action



Input parameters

There are five input parameters:

  • SourceProject – The entity reference of the source project to copy from. This parameter can't be null.

  • Target – The entity reference of the target project to copy to. This parameter can't be null.

  • TeamMemberOption – The option for copying team members to the target project. This parameter can't be null.

    • 0 – Don't copy team members.
    • 1 – Copy team members as generic resources (behaves the same as in V3).
    • 2 – Copy team members to specified named or generic resources.
  • TeamMembers – The entity collection of named or generic team members to replace the existing team members. This parameter must be null if 0 or 1 is selected for the TeamMemberOption parameter. It can't be null if 2 is selected.

  • TeamMembersMapping – The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) string dictionary that maps team members from the source project to the target project. For each entry, the key is the ProjectTeamID value of the source project team member, and the value is the ProjectTeamID value of the target project team member. All assignments on the source project of the identified source project team member are assigned to the identified target project team member in the target project. Multiple source project team members can be mapped to one target project team member. This parameter must be null if 0 or 1 is selected for the TeamMemberOption parameter. It's optional if 2 is selected.

The following table provides a summary of the five parameters.

Parameter Type Value
SourceProject Entity Reference The source project
Target Entity Reference The target project
TeamMemberOption Option Set 0, 1, or 2
TeamMembers Entity Collection Named or generic team members for the target project
TeamMembersMapping Json String The dictionary that maps team members from the source project to the target project

For more defaults on actions, see Use Web API actions.


The following validations are done.

  1. Null checks and retrieves the source and target projects to confirm the existence of both projects in the organization.

  2. The system validates that all team members in both the TeamMembers parameter and the TeamMemberMapping parameter are valid.

  3. The system validates that the target project is valid for copying by verifying the following conditions:

    • There isn't previous activity on the project (including selection of the Tasks tab), and the project is newly created.
    • There isn't previous copy, no import was requested on this project, and the project doesn't have a Failed status.
  4. The operation isn't called by using HTTP.

Specify fields to copy

When the action is called, Copy Project looks at the Copy Project Columns project view to determine which fields to copy when the project is copied.


The following example shows how to call the CopyProjectV3 custom action with the removeNamedResources parameter set.

    using System;
    using System.Runtime.Serialization;
    using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk;
    using Newtonsoft.Json;

    public class CopyProjectSample
        private IOrganizationService organizationService;

        public CopyProjectSample(IOrganizationService organizationService)
            this.organizationService = organizationService;

        public void SampleRun()
            // Example source project GUID
            Guid sourceProjectId = new Guid("11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111");
            var sourceProject = new Entity("msdyn_project", sourceProjectId);

            Entity targetProject = new Entity("msdyn_project");
            targetProject["msdyn_subject"] = "Example Project - Copy";
            targetProject.Id = organizationService.Create(targetProject);

            CallCopyProjectAPI(sourceProject.ToEntityReference(), targetProject.ToEntityReference(), copyOption, true, false);
            Console.WriteLine("Done ...");

        private void CallCopyProjectAPI(EntityReference sourceProject, EntityReference TargetProject, bool replaceNamedResources = true, bool clearTeamsAndAssignments = false)
            OrganizationRequest req = new OrganizationRequest("msdyn_CopyProjectV3");
            req["SourceProject"] = sourceProject;
            req["Target"] = TargetProject;

            if (replaceNamedResources)
                req["ReplaceNamedResources"] = true;
                req["ClearTeamsAndAssignments"] = true;

            OrganizationResponse response = organizationService.Execute(req);


The following example shows how to call the CopyProjectV4 custom action where the TeamMemberOption parameter is set to 2, and both TeamMembers and TeamMembersMapping values are sent.

/* To simplify, the sample code below does not contain code to setup source project, create target project, etc.
 * The sample code demonstrates calling Copy Project V4 with option to pass in team members for creation and mapping.
 * sourceProjectRef is the EntityReference of the source project to copy.
 * targetProjectRef is the target project, target project must be created before calling the API.
 * Target project should be created empty without doing any further setup like adding team members, tasks, etc.
 * toBeCreatedTargetTeamMembers is an EntityCollection of team members to be created in the target project
 * as part of the copy and mapping.
 * teamMembersMapping is a Dictionary<Guid, Guid> of the team member mapping between source and target project.
 * Key is the ID of a source team member; Value is the ID of the target team member.
 * */

var request = new OrganizationRequest("msdyn_CopyProjectV4");
request["Target"] = targetProjectRef;
request["SourceProject"] = sourceProjectRef;
request["TeamMemberOption"] = new OptionSetValue(2); // 0: None, 1: CopyAsGeneric, 2: Specify
request["TeamMembers"] = toBeCreatedTargetTeamMembers;
request["TeamMembersMapping"] = SerializeJson(teamMembersMapping); // See implementation of SerializeJson() method below


/* Sample serialized json for team member mapping:
string SerializeJson<T>(T obj)
    var serializer = new System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(T));

    using (Stream stream = new MemoryStream())
        serializer.WriteObject(stream, obj);
        stream.Position = 0;

        StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(stream);
        return streamReader.ReadToEnd();

/* Optional code to wait for the copy to complete as the main work is done in Async service.
 * To see details on error, go to PSS Error Logs and/or Settings > System Jobs.
 * */

void EnsureProjectCopySuccessful(EntityReference project)
    var start = DateTime.Now;

        var updatedProject = OrganizationService.Retrieve(Project.EntityLogicalName, project.Id, new ColumnSet(Project.AttributeStatuscode))

        if (updatedProject.statuscode.Value == (int)project_statuscode.Projectcopyfailed)
            throw new Exception("Project Copy failed.");
        else if (updatedProject.statuscode.Value == (int)project_statuscode.Active)

        if (DateTime.Now > start + TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5))
            throw new TimeoutException("Copy Project timed out");
    while (true);