Interact with holograms while operating a guide


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Enabled for Public preview General availability
Users, automatically - May 2, 2023

Business value

There are times when holograms are in the way or operators need to see a 3D model from a different perspective (especially for custom models) for better comprehension. This feature will enable operators to interact with holograms. They’ll be able to move holograms temporarily while in the flow of work and view 3D objects from different angles without having to change position.

Feature details

Creating interactive 3D objects on HoloLens is now easier for authors. They can select the Interactable option from the Edit menu to turn any 3D object into an interactive experience for users in operator mode.

Users will gain a deeper understanding through close inspection of the object's form, size, and arrangement as they explore 3D objects interactively with natural hand gestures to move, rotate, and scale the objects.

To enhance the learning experience even further, authors can arrange multiple interactable objects together and encourage users to inspect each part and practice placing it back correctly, with the help of an outline that indicates the object's original position.

Edit menu opens a selected cube, showing the interactable settings.

See also

Interact with holograms in the Guides HoloLens app (docs)