Receive incoming calls on HoloLens


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Enabled for Public preview General availability
Users by admins, makers, or analysts - May 2, 2023

Business value

Call participants can spontaneously add Dynamics 365 Guides HoloLens users to any conversation. HoloLens users won’t have to join a scheduled meeting to collaborate effectively with remote participants.

Feature details

When HoloLens users receive a call, they get a call dialog where they can choose to accept or ignore the call. Taking the call allows them to attend while still doing their work within Guides. If they accept the call, and the HoloLens user chooses to share their video feed, remote participants can see what the HoloLens user sees to better collaborate with annotations and calling capabilities within Guides.

See also

Make or receive a call in Dynamics 365 Guides (docs)