Go to implementation for interfaces


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Enabled for Public preview General availability
Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically Mar 1, 2023 Apr 1, 2023

Business value

Interface is a core concept for writing extensible code, that abides by a predefined contract. Until now, it's been hard for developers to quickly find implementations of a given interface or procedure on the interface in their own workspace, as the go to implementation has not been supported. In this release we're adding that support, making developers more productive, and removing the need to look through all references to find it.

Feature details

You can now use the standard Visual Studio Code context menu option "Go to Implementations" or press Ctrl+F12 on an interface to view all the implementations within scope for that interface. This works on interfaces, and on codeunits and enums implementing an interface, as well as their procedures if it maps to one on an interface.

Go to implementations directly from interface

You can also use it on implementations, including codeunit variables of type interface, to jump to other implementations of that specific interface.

Go to implementations from codeunit variables as well

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See also

Interfaces in AL (docs)