New telemetry events and data


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Enabled for Public preview General availability
Users, automatically Mar 1, 2023 Apr 1, 2023

Business value

Telemetry events on incoming and outgoing calls to web services, long-running AL methods, and error dialogs have been enhanced to make it even easier to troubleshoot performance and stability issues.

Feature details

The following events have been improved in telemetry:

  • Incoming web service calls (eventId RT0008) now include the time spent waiting in the throttling queue on the Business Central server. This allows you to track whether web services performance issues are due to throttling/queueing on the Business Central server.
  • Incoming web service calls (eventId RT0008) now include the error message for OData/API calls when a failure occurs. This allows you to better troubleshoot web services issues.
  • Outgoing web service calls (eventId RT0019) now include clientType and AL stack trace. This allows you to find places in your code where outgoing web service calls block the UI.
  • Long-running AL methods (eventId RT0018) now include details about SQL statements on the Business Central database. It also has a new dimension showing exclusive time, which is time not spent waiting for user input. This allows you to better understand the performance of your AL code.
  • Error dialogs (eventId RT0018) now include the English error text instead of the localized version. This allows you to monitor error messages no matter which language the user has chosen in their client.
  • Job queue telemetry (eventIds AL0000E24, AL0000E25, AL0000E26, and AL0000HE7) now include dimensions for object name and job queue description. This allows you to better troubleshoot job queue issues.

The following events are new in telemetry:

  • Metadata permission set changes due to extensions installed/updated (eventId to be determined). This allows you to monitor permission changes, and also if they are introduced by an extension.
  • File blocked from upload due to possible malware (eventId to be determined). This allows you to monitor potential security issues from user.
  • Changes made in Feature Management. This allows you to track configuration changes done by the administrator.
  • Client actions (eventId CL0003) signal is emitted when a user selects an action on a page in the client, like turning analysis mode on or off from a list page.
  • Cloud migration signal. This allows you to monitor your migration projects and alert on errors.

Learn more about Business Central telemetry at Monitoring and Analyzing Telemetry.

See also

Monitoring and Analyzing Telemetry (docs)