Ship and receive non-inventory items on warehouse documents


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Enabled for Public preview General availability
Users, automatically Mar 1, 2023 Apr 1, 2023

Business value

Warehouse employees can ship and receive non-inventory items, such as insurance or cost, on sales or purchase orders along with the physical goods on the orders.

Feature details

Sales and purchase orders often have various types of things on their lines. For example, they might have general ledger items, accounts, and fixed assets. For configurations where you handle physical goods in warehouse documents, such as inventory put-aways, warehouse receipts, inventory picks, or warehouse shipments, you can also post some types of non-inventory items. In the previous version, you had to post non-inventory items separately.

We've added two capabilities:

  • Post all non-inventory lines on the source document as soon as at least one item is posted by the warehouse document.
  • Post non-inventory lines of the source document linked to the item through the Attached to Line No. field when the item is posted by a warehouse document.

To start using this feature in the inbound warehouse flow, fill in the Auto Post Non-Invt. via Whse. field on the Purchase & Payables Setup page.

Purchase & Payables Setup page

To start using this feature in the outbound warehouse flow, fill in the Auto Post Non-Invt. via Whse. field on the Sales & Receivables Setup page.

Sales & Receivables Setup page

For the attach scenario, you must attach non-inventory lines to physical items in the sales or purchase document by using the Attach to inventory line action.

Purchase order


The Complete option in the Shipping Advice field of the sales order has priority over the selection in the Auto Post Non-Invt. via Whse. field on the Sales & Receivables Setup page.

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