Turn off event-based sync for specific integration table mappings


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Enabled for Public preview General availability
Users by admins, makers, or analysts Apr 4, 2023 May 1, 2023

Business value

Turning off event-based synchronization for specific integration table mappings can give you greater control over the flow of data between Business Central and Dataverse. For example, you can reduce the risk of data errors and inconsistencies, and improve the overall quality and reliability of the data. Additionally, opting out of event-based synchronization can speed up performance by reducing the number of synchronization events that you process.

Feature details

When someone changes coupled records, Business Central automatically synchronizes the data with Dataverse. In most cases, automatic synchronization is what you'll want. However, if people frequently change data for many coupled records, synchronization might be slower.

On the Integration Table Mappings page, administrators can turn event-driven data synchronization on or off for any table they're synchronizing with Dataverse. By default, event-based synchronization is turned on so that existing integrations aren’t affected.

Shows new Disable Event-driven synchronization job scheduling option in Integration Table Mappings

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See also

Mapping the Tables and Fields to Synchronize (docs)