Try new order types that support your business


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Enabled for Public preview General availability
Users, automatically Oct 31, 2022 Oct 16, 2023

Business value

This new functionality in Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management enables support for different order types so customers can complete various order fulfillment scenarios.

Feature details

This feature provides support for:

  • Backorders and preorders:

    • Place an order as a backorder when inventory is unavailable and provide regular checks so that the order is placed back in for fulfillment when inventory becomes available.
    • Place an order to be reserved for a later date.
  • Manual orders: Create and update an order and enable the order to be orchestrated in Intelligent Order Management.

  • Return orders: Enable returns through the bidirectional integration between Intelligent Order Management and finance and operations apps.

See also

Set up backorder and preorder functionality (docs)