Stay compliant with one-click unsubscribe for emails

Enabled for Public preview Early access General availability
Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically - - Feb 1, 2024

Business value

One-click unsubscribe keeps you compliant with new requirements from Google and Yahoo for bulk email senders. Making it easy to unsubscribe from your messages in a single click improves your reputation as a brand and as an email sender. When combined with real-time journey consent topics, one-click unsubscribe encourages your customers to stay subscribed to your other commercial emails while unsubscribing from a single topic. Letting customers opt out easily can improve open rates, click-through rates, and ensure that your messages are less likely to be marked as spam.

Feature details

  • Stay compliant with Google and Yahoo email sending requirements for bulk senders that go into effect February 2024.
  • Emails include list-unsubscribe and list-unsubscribe-post headers, which enable popular email clients to give their users a one-click unsubscribe experience directly from within their email application instead of visiting an unsubscribe web page.
  • For real-time journeys using preference centers for multibrand consent, one-click unsubscribe only opts the recipient out of that single brand's purpose, ensuring future email to other brands continues to be delivered.
  • When using topics, one-click unsubscribe for real-time journey emails only opts the recipient out of the topic of the email, keeping the email subscribed to other types of email for that brand.
  • For outbound marketing subscription centers, one-click unsubscribe opts the contact out of all future marketing emails by setting the contact's DoNotBulkEmail field to prevent sending email.

See also

One-click unsubscribe support for emails (docs)