Complete, analyze, and run what-if scenarios in Excel

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Users, automatically - May 31, 2024

Business value

Users can complete their plans in Excel using an experience they know, reducing the efforts to learn a new tool for budgeting.

Feature details

Although the budgeting and forecasting process is becoming more continuous in organizations, users are still not completing activities daily. When they must learn yet another tool for completing their plans and forecasts, it leads to lack of adoption, user frustration, or completing the activity offline in Excel, thus taking more time.

By introducing the ability to complete their plans in Excel, users will immediately understand what to do and be able to do it online in a single step, versus exporting data, calculating things offline, and then manually entering numbers. This feature allows users to complete budgets and analyze in data with Excel. Being able to manage your continuous planning process by using Excel lets users choose the experience they prefer. This leads to faster and more accurate forecasting so organizations can make agile business decisions.

See also

Configure and use the Excel add-in for business performance planning (docs)