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Enabled for Public preview Early access General availability
Users, automatically - - Apr 1, 2024

Business value

End users receive some new and improved features as they are ready instead of waiting until a twice-yearly release.

Feature details

The Dynamics 365 Field Service app changes to use a monthly channel instead of semi-annual channel. The change allows some of the user-impacting features to ship each month instead of waiting for the next twice-yearly release.

The model-driven apps release channel has three values to choose from: Auto, Monthly, and Semi-annual.

The "Auto" value for the app release channel defines the behavior if no explicit selection of "Monthly" or "Semi-annual" was made. With 2024 release wave 1, the app release channel value for Dynamics 365 Field Service apps changes from "Auto" to "Monthly". To continue using the semi-annual channel, makers can change the app release channel to "Semi-annual" before the 2024 release wave 1 to ensure the release channel behavior doesn't change. Every existing Dynamics 365 custom app has to be changed, but with 2024 release wave 2, the "Auto" setting will change to use the monthly channel.

More information can be found at Release Channel Overview.

See also

Release channels for your model-driven app (docs)