Use new Excel layouts for 35 selected reports

Enabled for Public preview General availability
Users, automatically Mar 4, 2024 Apr 2, 2024

Business value

Running reports to analyze and present information is a frequent task in most businesses. To make good decisions, it's important to be able to easily analyze business data from different angles, and present it in a way that makes it easy to digest. Business Central supports Excel report layouts, which let you interactively generate analyses and present learnings about key aspects of your business, such as finance, sales, and purchases.

Feature details

We've added eight new Excel reports with new report layouts for finance, sales (customers), and purchases (vendors).

You have more ways to create your own Excel layouts for reports because not only do you get the reports, but also data from the report request pages and data for translations of a layout. If the data comes from multiple tables, the report layouts show the data in multiple worksheets, which makes it easy to understand where the data originated. The reports are flexible, and you can use them in the way that best fits your needs:

  • Use the reports as-is to get insight about your business.
  • Use pivot tables to slice and dice data for analysis.
  • Use them as a template to create your own Excel layouts for the same data.

You can create your own copies of the report layouts from the Report Layouts page. To learn more about how to create Excel report layouts, go to Creating an Excel layout report.

We expect to add more layouts to cover more functional areas in upcoming releases. You'll find examples, typical use cases, and a description of the data for each report in our documentation.


The Excel reports are limited to around 1 million rows. For reports that have a high volume of data, we recommend that you use the report request page to filter your data.

We added preview versions of the following reports in 2024 release wave 1:

  • Trial Balance
  • Trial Balance by Period
  • Trial Balance/Budget
  • Trial Balance/Previous Year
  • Aged Account Receivables
  • Aged Account Payables
  • Customer - Top List
  • Vendor - Top List

An example of a report in Excel: Aged Accounts Receivable report for Business Central demo data.

New Excel reports. Reports are marked as preview for the 2024 wave 1 release.

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See also

Working with Microsoft Excel Layouts (docs)