Achieve sustainability scorecards and goals

Enabled for Public preview General availability
Users, automatically - Oct 1, 2024

Business value

Achieving sustainability scorecards and goals enhances a company's reputation, operational efficiency, and compliance, leading to cost savings and risk mitigation. It attracts investors, customers, and talent while fostering innovation and ensuring long-term viability. Sustainability efforts align with regulatory incentives and market demand, creating a competitive advantage and driving growth through responsible resource management and positive stakeholder engagement.

Feature details

Users have the ability to set up specific scorecards with owner information to track sustainability and add goals for each.

Goals will have start and end dates, baselines, and current and target values for all tracked emissions, so users can easily track their progress in achieving their sustainability plans.

Setting up a user as sustainability manager

Sustainability goals

Sustainability scorecards

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See also

Using key performance indicators (KPIs) to meet your business goals (docs)