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Use time zone-agnostic fields in project planning


Some of the functionality described in this release plan has not been released. Delivery timelines may change and projected functionality may not be released (see Microsoft policy). Learn more: What's new and planned

Enabled for Public preview General availability
Users by admins, makers, or analysts Jun 2025 Sep 2025

Business value

When a project is created, the time zone is based on the time zone defined in the applied work hour template. When a task is created, the start time, end time, and hours/day are controlled by the working hours of the project. This time zone component can make it difficult to enforce extensibility scenarios related to contracts where the definition of the time boundaries may not cross due to differences created by time zones.

Feature details

The functionality of start and end dates in projects and project tasks within Dynamics 365 Project Operations entails the inclusion of supplementary fields that aren't dependent on specific time zones. These additional fields are incorporated into both the project and project task entities, thereby facilitating integration and extensibility possibilities for scenarios where the time zone aspect of the start and end fields is not of utmost importance or for improved accounting alignment.